

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写一份有关即将在本校举办2011年英语夏令营活动的书面通知]Notice ......be held in our school auditorium from July 29th to August 1st. It includes speeches and debates, talk about the experience of learning English, an...+阅读


The Students' Union is going to set up an English Language Club with the aim to offer a good chance and place to improve our English level. In the club, the members can communicate in English, organize a series of English studying activities and so on.

It's very easy for you to join the club. If you are interested in English, have the incentive to improve your English, or have the warmth to help those who want to improve their English, just apply for it.

The club will be set up on Friday afternnon 17:00 at the Students' Union Headquqrters.

Warmly welcome you to attend it!


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