

04月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[自我介绍英文翻译中文]简单的英语自我介绍 Hello, everyone. Im very happy to stand here to introduce myself. 大家好,很高心站在这里介绍我自己。 My name is Wang Xiaoming. Im 14 years old,...+阅读


Ship manufacturing industry of welding technology from the beginning of the twentieth Century, and in 1920 the first British shipyard welding technology to build ocean-going ships, as the symbol, welding technology is gradually applied in the shipyard, and quickly replace riveting technology. The main content of this paper is divided into three parts: welding defects causes and countermeasures; principle of X ray inspection; non-destructive inspection Therefore, with the development of welding technology constantly improving, shipbuilding quality and speed has improved dramatically, but due to the welding technology is not perfect, so it is difficult to avoid weld defects. Application of nondestructive testing technology, which makes the detection of welding defects accurately and greatly improve the speed of. However, any kind of nondestructive testing methods are not universal, each NDT method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, in the application of nondestructive testing of not only using a nondestructive detection method, and several methods as much as possible at the same time, in order to ensure that a variety of detection methods complement each other, so as to obtain more information is proposed for X ray in nondestructive testing applications.


新钢种有EH36、BH36,都是A级船板 其他的老牌的有:CCS,ZY,GL,NV,BV,KR,LR,NK,CCSAH32,这些都是用得较多的。ZYJ507 低氢焊条 符合: GB/T E5015 AWS E7015 说明: ZYJ507是优质低氢钠型焊条,具有良好的塑性、低温冲击韧性和抗裂性能。全位置焊接工艺性能优良,电弧稳定、飞溅少、易脱渣,焊缝成形美观。 应用领域:可用于焊接Q345、AH36、BH36、DH36等相当强度级别的重要结构,如锅炉、受压容器及管道、以及其它相应强度等级的车辆、建筑、桥梁等重要结构部件。 熔敷金属化学成分(%): C Si Mn S P 保证值 — ≤0.75 ≤1.25 ≤0.020 ≤0.030 典型值 0.082 0.53 1.18 0.010 0.017 焊态熔敷金属力学性能: Rm/MPa Rp0.2/MPa A/% Akv /J 保证值 490~660 ≥400 ≥22 -30℃≥27 典型值 550 440 30 140 熔敷金属扩散氢含量:≤10ml/100g(水银法)或药皮含水量:≤0.6% X射线探伤要求:Ⅰ级 推荐的焊接电流(DC+): 焊条规格 2.5㎜ 3.2㎜ 4.0㎜ 5.0㎜ F,HF,H 60~85A 90~130A 140~180A 170~220A VU,OH 50~80A 80~120A 110~160A 150~200A 注意事项: 1. 焊前焊条须经350℃左右条件下烘干1~2小时,随烘随用。

2. 焊前必须清除焊件表面铁锈、油污、水分等杂质。 3.


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