

11月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[毕业生三方协议书范本]毕业生三方协议书范本,三方协议就相当于毕业生的工作户口本,下面带来毕业生三方协议书范本,欢迎阅读。 毕业生三方协议书范本【1】 毕业生: 用人单位: 学校名称: 按《普通高等学校...+阅读


Basic information

Name: Deng classmates Sex: Female

Date of Birth :1986-07-25 national: Tujia

Account where: Hubei current: Beijing

Graduate institutions: the political landscape of the Xinjiang Institute of the Arts: the Chinese munist party members

The highest academic qualifications: bachelor's amendment by a professional: Television Advertising

Personnel types: ordinary job graduation date: June 2009

Job intentions

Job type: Full-time

Position: advertising agencies, media panies or creative copy Assistant Assistant

Hope Location: Beijing

Wish to pay: Negotiable

Education and training experience

From August 2005 to June 2009 the Xinjiang Institute of the Arts undergraduate film and television advertising

Experience to participate in social practice

In March 2009 to May 2009, information reported in the city serving as a member of the post editing

August 2008 to March 2009, participation in Xinjiang to see the creation of work video showings and film to promote the work of

September 2008 to participate in the Xinjiang Institute of the Arts celebration activities for 50 years as a photography team members

June 2008 to participate in the master brand to listen to the teacher to teach the second half of Chen Zhao, learning brand culture

In May 2008 to participate in creative documentary is not the end (that is, our records)

Early in 2008, internship in Badong, Hubei TV

2007 students participate in high-definition video creation, not the

end and duties as vice photography

July 2007 to participate in collective training school to study the economic development of port cities and social patterns

In May 2007 to June, taking part in anizing the first week of Advertising Art in Xinjiang Students

School of munication in 2006 to participate in the work of the Department, he was appointed press office

Received awards

In November 2008 to obtain first-class scholarship, Xinjiang Institute of Arts

In November 2008, was named the Xinjiang Institute of the Arts 2007-2008 Miyoshi students

In June 2007 by the first week in Xinjiang Advertising Advertising Art Students Showcase Works Gold Cup broadcast category

December 2006, was named the Xinjiang Institute of the Arts 2005-2006 outstanding member

Language Proficiency

4 familiar with the School of English

Putonghua proficiency

puter capacity

puter at the national level


I am hard-working, positive and motivated to work carefully down-to-earth, has a strong team spirit and self-learning ability, in the school during the school has participated in various activities, and contribute to the strength of their own. anizations in a number of activities, in the face of a positive response to the question by the appreciation of teachers and students.

Hope your pany can provide for giving me this valuable opportunity, I will always maintain a progressive mind, and strive to

Work, continuous learning, in order to contribute to a pany.



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