

11月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[2017离婚协议书范本离婚协议书样本]2017离婚协议书范本【1】 男方:_________,_________族,_________岁,_________省_________人。 女方:_________,_________族,_________岁,_________省_________人。 男女双方________...+阅读

id="1717696">下面是一份人力资源总监(director of human resources)的英文简历样本:sandy bin 15/f,tower2 ,bright china,building,beijing.


a career in personnel management/administration.

professional experience

tennessee parole board,memphis,tn1991-present director of human resources and staff development

develop and implement policy.provide leadership in the areas of personnel,payroll,labor relations,training,and affirmative action.administer personnel/payroll system to meet management and employee needs.consult with chairmen,executive director,managerial staff,and supervisors to ensure policy pliance with applicable statutes,rules,and regulations.advance agency affirmative action plan.determine appropriate grievance pro

cedures relief;resolve labor disputes.act as liaison for regulatory agencies:eohs,oer,dpa,state office of a.a.,and pera.maintain staff training program.interface with legal staff in dealing with progressive discipline and grievances.

wilmont insurance co.,nashville,tn

1987-1991 director of human resources

maintained smooth work-flow;supervised claim adjudication;performed claim payment internal audits;coordinated activity with reinsurance carriers. hired/terminated,trained,oversaw,and delegated personnel.determined technical decisions and payments.responsible for puter maintenance(ibm series i)and updating personnel files to ensure pliance with state/local regulations pertaining to holidays,vacation人力资源总监英文简历样本


起诉离婚协议书样本自愿离婚协议书范本【1】 男方:,年月日出生,民族:族,工作单位:,现住址:。 女方:,年月日出生,民族:族,工作单位:,现住址:。 双方于 年月日在市城区(县)人民政府的民政部门登记结婚,现因(注:指感...

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离婚协议书样本2017离婚协议书样本2017离婚协议书范本【1】 协议人(男方): ______身份证号:________________________ 协议人(女方): ______身份证号:________________________ 协议人为了明确婚前婚后双方财产所...
