

11月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Name: Mo XX

Sex: Male

National: Zhuang

Ultimately Education: Undergraduate Graduation

Graduate school: Central South University for Nationalities

Date of birth: January 7, 1983

Graduation time: autumn 2006

College: College of Electronics and Information Engineering

Profession: Biomedical Engineering

Political landscape: the Chinese munist Youth members

Height: 169cm

Health status: good

Students to: Guangxi

Fixed-line telephone:

Mobile phone: 135XXXXXXXXX

Contact Address: Central South University of Electronic and Information Engineering National Institute of Biomedical Engineering 02 class 2

Postal Code: 430074


QQ: 61952337


English Level: skilled

puter capability:

1. Familiar with Windows 98/2000/XP operating system platforms can use the Microsoft Office office proficiency such as World, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.;

2. Proficiency in C / C + + language programming, proficiency in the application of relevant tools to Turbo C 2.0, Visual C + + 6.0a for application development and database systems;

3. Familiar with SQL language, familiar with the SQL Server2000 database applications can be skilled C + + Builder 6.0

And SQL Server2000 to build C / S structure of the database system, there is a database application system design

Development experience;

4. Familiar with software engineering ideas, the principle of knowledge and understanding of the work with the work protocol TCP / IP protocol;

5. Of puter hardware considerable understanding can be plete

d independent of the Assembly and Disassembly machine and maintenance, and system installation; to solve the general software and hardware issues.

Personal Hobbies: sports, cultural activities, etc.

Special skills:

Awards and achievements: the third Challenge Cup Business Plan petition of College Students in Hubei Silver

School mathematics petition in 2003 and other awards 3

Social activities (including individual representation):

1. From September 2003 until now, as China and South Africa National College of Electronics and Information Engineering University, 2002 9 members of classes of life, and branch secretary Bin mission, the success of the coordination and anization of the class students to carry out collective activities, the effective promotion of the class students exchanges, and the successful anization of the class students to carry out collective activities to help counselors work of teachers of students successful, anizations Party School students to participate in class learning, to assist the munist Youth League grade, grade to join the party activists, party branches, such as inspection.

2. In April 2004 to June 2004 period, participated in the third Challenge Cup Business Plan petition of College Students in Hubei Province, in the marketing team is responsible for part of Wuhan city in the related market research.

3.2004 in LG has a period of puter sales practices; in 2004 during the summer vacation, once a city of Guangxi Guigang Lenovo sales representative.



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