

11月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[酒店行政助理求职信]尊敬的领导: 您好! 首先感谢您能从百忙之中抽出时间来查看我的求职信,或许您只是对我的封面设计有点好奇,那下面请听我解释。 这颗棋子您肯定没有在象棋中见过,那它是什么呢?其...+阅读

The leadership of the distinguished pany:

Hello! My name is Zhang Ming, I read your pany's information, in the chemical aspects of well-educated and has a wealth of experience, I am confident that your pany can serve as the research work, I study biochemistry laboratory assistants very interested in the post.

I am 30 years old, graduated from the University of California in 2006, 07 and received a master's degree in chemistry. While studying at the school he read a lot of election-related chemical and biological aspects of the curriculum, such as Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, anic, General Chemistry, anic and inanic chemistry - analytical chemistry.

At the Institute, I he served as a biochemistry professor at the Uni

versity of California, the assistant, Dr. John Williams. In the meantime, he helped to light cycle changes威廉博士basic research. If necessary, can be sent to the pany information on a report card for reference. After graduating from the Institute, that is employed by Boston University and served as associate professor, at this time will continue to engage in research and has published several articles in the New York papers. .

Enclosed herewith is my curriculum vitae and, if the opportunity to interview with you, I would be very grateful. Even if your pany that I do not ply with your conditions, I will, as always, concerned about the development of your pany, and in Regards to the most sincere wishes.



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