

11月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[购销合同范本模板]购销合同范本模板 红木家具购销合同书范本【1】 甲方(卖方) 乙方(买方) 维护双方合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》,《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关规定,甲、...+阅读

Basic personal informationName: xxxSex: MaleE-mail:Contact Tel:Place of residence are:Nationality: CanadaEducation: Bachelor:***** University graduate schoolProfession: E-technology and puter applicationsJob direction: the project manager or related positionWork experienceMore than eleven years experience in IT working in the field, including the bottom of device software development, application software development, as well as experience in the development of intelligent electronic devicesSuccessful multi-country (China, the United States, Canada) project development and management experienceDeep experience in anization and management team, gifted learning ability can be quickly integrated into any work environment challengingA wide range of software, hardware, work application and development of knowledge, including those based on ERP, client / server architecture, database management software project developmentProficient in Windows, Linux and FreeBSD and other operating systems, and based on these operating systems and application software developmentRemarkable in both Chinese and English verbal and writing skills, good at using Chinese and English to do a variety of technical presentations and live scenes technology exchangeCanadian citizen, is willing to work according to the needs of the domestic or international trelJob skillsSoftware Development Language: C / C , Assembly, Ja, Visual Basic, Pascal, MS SQL, PowerBuilder and InstallSheildOperating

System: DOS, Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/2003, Linux and FreeBSDDevelopment of debugging tools: MASM, MSVC1.5, CodeView, Windows 98/NT/2k/XP DDK, VC 6.0, VB 6.0, gcc, gtk / gdk, gdb, KGDB, DDD, KDevelop, QtDesigner, SoftICE, WINdbg, VMware, UltraEdit, Microsoft Visual SouceSafe 6.0, CVS, MS SQL Server, logic analyzers, IDE analyzers, oscilloscopes, multimeterWork history********** Technology, Inc.Software Project ManagerWith customers to discuss product requirements and provide technical solutions; the coordination of cooperation between different team, the distribution of the teamMembers of the task; maintenance, upgrades of existing software version.************ CorporationSoftware project manager from 2003 to 2007Duties: to discuss product requirements with customers to provide technology solutions and coordinating cooperation among the different team, the allocation of tasks of the team members; iSCSI-based storage devices work technology R for Gigabit Ether Linux driver development; the use of gdb, KGDB and DDD debugging tools such as Linux device drivers; KDevelop and Qt Designer with the development of Linux software testing; assessment of a new generation of data storage equipment.Project experience:1. Project ********* Time: July 2000

March 2003Pricing is responsible for MS SQL Server and various pharmacies, hospitals, Access database design and development work and the preparation of the client software to print statements and invoices.项目经理个人英文简历模板


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