

11月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语绕口令带音标]英语绕口令带音标【1】 Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop. 关上窗,坐在店里。 Selfish shellfish. 自私的水生有壳动物。 She said she should sit. 她说她应该坐下...+阅读


Name: : .fanwen51./

Sex: Female

Age: 25 years old

Education: tertiary

Place of origin: China

National: Mongolian

Marital status: unmarried

Height: 158 cm ?

Weight: 43 kg

Domicile: Chaozhou

Current residence: Fujian

Monthly requirements: Negotiable

Job search intention:

Pre-school education, child-care and so long with the professional or related industries.

Hope to a unit of talent, there is some room for development, to realize the value of their own.

Educational Background:

September 2005 -2008 in Shandong Province in July of trade unions in the management of the Department of Art Institute students


Pre-school, pre-psychology, pre-health sciences, pre-school curriculum, pre-history, game theory and guidance, pre-school children's social development and education, anization and management of kindergartens, children's literature, aesthetics, Introduction to pre-school education in the arts, art education pre-school children pre-school children's music education, physical education pre-school children, pre-school children the language of education, science education pre-school children, health education for pre-school children, kindergarten play equipment design and production, vocal music, painting, dance

Minor courses:

College English, University of Language, puter Culture, Calligraphy and knowledge, the University of Physical Education, Principles of

Marxist Philosophy.

Professional skills:

The professional petence: learning through the system, a solid grasp of the pre-school education and knowledge can freely use art to highlight the skills and experience in practice.

English proficiency: English IV, Shandong Normal University Institute of Kid Castle continues to Oral English Certificate.

puter level:

Can be a good use of Windows Xp, Microsoft Word / Excel and other procedures, such as proficiency in the production of slides.

Other: Intermediate nursing teacher certification

Good at painting, writing, article published in the magazine several times.

Quick thinking, logical thought, there is a strong language ability and ability to hand-painted.

Good munication with team spirit and perseverance, the difficulties and fear of failure.

Personality characteristics:

Warm and generous and I love life, like sports, self-confidence and self-discipline, sincerity seriously, kind and motivated, good at painting, like music; thinking active, proactive, hard, a sense of responsibility, I would like to find a training room for self-development, solid progress, heat and light; believe that there is no best, only better, you give me a confidence, I will return the joy of your 11 minutes!

Practice experience:

April 2006 Jinan on xx kindergarten -5.

March 2008 - May xx kindergarten.

Contact Tel: 000000

Contact Address: 000000



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