

11月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[面试自我介绍3分钟英语]面试自我介绍如此的重要,你会了吗?以下的是范文小编为大家收集整理好的面试自我介绍范文3分钟英语,供大家参考! 面试自我介绍3分钟英语范文1 good morning, my name is jack,...+阅读

I would like to apply for the post of industrial engineer, which your pany offered. I feel that I am the right sort of person for the post because my qualifications and experience are really suitable for the position.

I expect to graduate in July from the Department of Industrial Engineering of Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, majoring in industrial engineering.

During my college years, I he worked very hard at my major courses, so as to lay a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge. As a result, I he passed all the examinations and achieved excellent academic results in major courses such as statistics, operation researches, system engineering, business management, logistics, Statistics and Probability Theory ,Professional English, Metalworking Practice, Electrical Engineering Practice, Linear Algebra. Moreover I he passed CET-4 and National puter Level Test-Rank Three.

Outside classroom, I was very active and took part

in different social activities. In my junior year, I served as monitor of my class, and received Advanced Person of Jiangxi University of Science and Technology. Since September 2004, I worked as a part-time business controller at Angel of Ganzhou, and raised our products’ share by 48.28 percent by 2005. In addition, I worked rather actively and successfully in certain student’s societies. All those experiences contributed much to the development and promotion of my anizing and social abilities.

I wish to assure you that, if successful, I would endeor to give you every satisfaction. It would be greatly appreciated if you grant me an opportunity of an interview. At that time, I will present my credentials. I can be reached by phone at 13531398140 or email me at laihaiyong&emspgmail.

Enclosed please find a resume, a copy of the remendation form and the official tran, Thank you for your time and consideration

Sincerely, Lai Haiyong



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