

11月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Basic situation

Name: XXX Sex: Female Nationality: Chinese political features: members / members

Academic qualifications (degree): college Profession: secretary

Tel :010-12345678 mobile phone: XXX

E-mail: XXXXXXX&emsp126.

Contact Address: X City, a certain area a certain so-and-so street, China Zip: 000000

Educational background

Graduate institution: Nankai University Department of Chinese

The course: secretarial, clerical writing, public relations practices, school talks, interpersonal psychology, public relations, public relations language, application writing, political economy, philosophy, foreign culture, file management, such as China's cultural history.

(Other useful training courses)

English level:

Work experience

1.2006 --- May the year 2006 XX pany


In the meantime a serious and responsible work by acclaimed leaders and colleagues

2.2007 so far in June --- XX pany

Office of the Secretary of

Document Management is responsible for work / writing instruments, documents and other print / air tickets, hotel reservations and other outreach / assist the responsible person to carry out important scheduling / coordination with other departments of the relationship, good munication and work / send and receive correspondenc

e, purchase orders office supplies and other office services


Years of administrative work, so I deeply understand that the Secretary of the importance of the work, but also loved working on this. This is a need for more responsible and careful work to plete. I use five Chinese fonts per minute input rate of more than 100 words; English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability to achieve the level 4 (currently the administration of undergraduate academic education); than good social activities, more anized experience a variety of cultural activities; able to skillfully use Microsoft Office (such as: Word, Excel, Exchange, PhotoEditer, Powerpoint, Frontpage, Ulead Iphoto Express, etc.) to carry out various functions of the Office of the daily work efficiently. I work in a serious and responsible and meticulous, and has a strong sense of responsibility and initiative.


Broad-loving, is the backbone of the pany's literature and art.

I character

Moderate, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the person's circumstances).

I believe that the capacity of the most important thing is, I believe that your pany will feel that I am a suitable candidate for this position! Look forward to working with your interviews!



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