

11月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

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Plane more than a decade through the production of design practitioners.

Working Time: 1996-8-1 to 2000-6-1

pany name: Sichuan Provincial Center for Graphic Arts Co., Ltd.

Departments: the Department of puter creative jobs: Graphic Design

Job Deion: Proficiency in Apple machines, monly used software quarkpress3.3 \ photoshop cs \ inllustrater,

Working Time: 2000-6-1 to 2002-8-12

pany Name: cutting-edge advertising panies

Departments: the Department of creative design jobs: graphic design

Job Deion: Proficiency in pc machine, able to carry out general maintenance, monly used software corldraw \ photoshop

Of the photo, printing, sculpture can be a general design.

Working Time: 2002-8-12 to 2008-6-8

pany Name: Sakura Dance Graphic Design pany

Departments: the Department of creative design jobs: graphic design

Job Deion: Proficienc

y in pc machine, able to carry out general maintenance, monly used software corldraw \ photoshop

Familiar with the pre-press, India and China, and India after the workflow, to be effective and carry out many of the munication and exchange, in accordance with the requirements of customers innovative product design and typesetting.

I am not a particularly good designer, I do not he the master level (although, I am longing for a), I am just such a person: a serious and responsible in their work on the things themselves he a strong sense of responsibility, willing to ease dry, proofreading carefully, with patience, calm personality.

Design of never-ending, as graphic designers, in addition to the efforts, or efforts.

Sex: Female

Education: secondary Profession: Printing

Family status: no pay, no worries

Tel: 15928660xxx

Contact: Zhang xx




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