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I Overview

Name: XXX Sex: Male

National: Han origin: Tangshan City, Hebei Province

Academic qualifications (degree): Undergraduate Political outlook: Party members

Profession: Industrial Design


Contact Address: Hebei Province Yanshan University West Campus Box 1140 Zip: 066004

Email Address: XXXXXXXX&emsp163. QQ No.: XXXXXX

Graduate institutions: Hebei Yanshan University 2004.9 - 2008.7 Design Industrial Design

Professional petence

(1) hand-painted to highlight the capacity, performance and results at fast mapping, and there are a number of individual works

(2) master: Alias studio tools Rhino 3D max Vray auto CAD CorelDraw Illustrator PhotoshopCS2 such as two-dimensional mapping of three-dimensional graphics and design software.

Practice experience

1. University on several occasions during the school anization to Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities study design was to good blue map, we, Haier, Shanghai pan-Asian design interns to visit panies and enterprises.

2. University during the Head of the Department of Industrial Design School Design and more to the project together, the Fortis socket design pany, Fortis, the pany's exhibition space design, the design of Apple's keyboard.

3. Their single man-made beautiful self-made cosmetics store sales for the design, checkout and future design, has been pleted renovated fo

ur stores, all designed by me. And so on.

(Note: The above is absolutely true practical experience, can provide the works and the original files.)


I he good knowledge of art and artistic quality, hand-painted to highlight the capacity, good performance and the effect of rapid mapping, according to the pany's need for creative design production, master a wide range of puter software, able to efficiently plete the work. Practical ability, and good at self-learning. The design of active thinking, I am a strong sense of responsibility, character, cheerful, active thinking, highly creative and easy to municate, he good sense of team.

Reward and performance:

2004 - 2005 spring semester to obtain a second-class scholarship

2004 - 2005 In the fall semester professional scholarship prize fight

2005 - 2006 was third in the fall semester scholarship

2005 - 2006 was named the outstanding member of

2005 - 2006 was named the hospital-level students Miyoshi

Was named colonel 2007-2008 Miyoshi students

2007-2008 Guangzhou Auto Cup Design petition Excellence Award

2007-2008 has been incorporated into the design of New Horizons World Chinese Directory

I character

Cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence

Another: the most important thing is the ability, I believe that your pany will feel that I am a suitable candidate for this position! Look forward to working with your interviews!



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