

11月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Distinguished business leaders:


Sincerely thank you for your busy schedule to read my pump cover letter, a time when they participate in social, in order to find a line with the value of your life, your attention will turn a new page in my life.

I am a professional gold Huizhou business schools - financial accounting, a graduate intern classes. As a secondary student, I love my profession and for their tremendous enthusiasm in my ability to live in secondary school, I found myself ahead of the target - accounting certification, in order to enter the threshold of accounting, I do not involve the efforts of the pursuit of progress,皇天finally pays off, in my second semester in the successful test of their qualification to the professional knowledge of accounting certification examinations. To this end, I opened it to the accounting industry, a strong guarantee. At the same time, through the school run by bining engineering internship, I learned how

to rise in the face of adversity, the spirit of hard warriors and active part in the ability to practice. Vocational learning in training a skilled professional skills I he mastered the basis of accounting, financial accounting, cost accounting, Accounting and other important accounting knowledge and operational capability. In addition, I also more familiar to Word, Excel and other office software operation. Therefore, I he a solid professional skills and, more importantly, I developed a rigorous style of study and correct the attitude of the students. At the same time, I also he plans to read a variety of publications aimed at a broad vision of their own, keep up the pace of today's petitive era.

Integrity of the乃立level above what is really said.

Thank you for reading this letter and to consider giving me a chance to show themselves.

Wish every success in your business, and create greater glories.

Motto: eat hard hard man to Master





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