

11月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Personal Information

Name: XXX Sex: Male Age: 29-year-old


Address: XXX Zone XXX Beijing No. XXX Road Zip: XXXXXX

Work experience

October 1999 - XXXX securities panies now head of customer service


Department responsible for the pany's day-to-day business transactions, including institutions, large and medium-sized operators and retail trading and management;

Responsible for liaison with customers and attract investment;

Be patient and thoughtful services and timely solutions to customer problems and requests made;

Leing reasons: for their confidence, self-confidence to find a better stage to play their own!

September 1997 - October 1999 market XXXX Assistant Information Technology Co., Ltd.


Regular collection, analysis products and timely feedback to the pany to reflect, to urge upgrading of product quality; deal with the special requirements of specific end-user;

Responsible for the technical information related to product releases and updates;

A variety of ways to answer the user's problem, with users maintaining good munica


Educational background

September 1996 - July 1997, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Undergraduate

Professional expertise and skills

Excellent negotiation skills, able to win the trust of customers;

Patient service, has a wealth of practical experience;

Proficiency in puter and Inter knowledge;

Has a keen ability to analyze and judge;

Access to the securities business qualification certificates;

National levels to achieve the level of English;

Wage expectations :3000-4000 Yuan / month


A wealth of customer service experience; modest cheerful character; good munication skills and ability; a serious and responsible, with good team spirit.

Career goals

Seek the securities industry in charge of customer service jobs in order to give full play to their own 4-year customer service securities and securities analysis experience and professional knowledge and skills. Including securities analysis, financial investment, customer service, particularly able to grasp the accurate and timely opportunity for the pany to expand a certain amount of customers.



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