

11月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[机电工程师简历样本]机电工程师简历样本 姓名:文书帮 两年以上工作经验|男|26岁(1990年7月9日) 居住地:厦门 电 话:136*******(手机) E-mail:.. 最近工作[11个月] 公 司:XX有限公司 行 业:仪器仪表/工...+阅读


Personal Profile:

Job intentions: the design of water conservancy and hydropower project staff

Name: xxx Gender: Female

Date of birth: February 1, 1982 health status: good

Graduate institutions: North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower professional: Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering

E-mail: jackiefunny&emsp126ggg.

Contact Tel: 13231640353 Address: the third secondary Langfang City, Hebei Province Postcode: 065000

Educational Background: Undergraduate


Engineering Drawing Engineering Surveying Engineering Mechanics building materials and soil mechanics hydraulics of water resources and hydropower construction of water conservancy project planning of water resources and hydropower station bidding for contract management river regulation and flood control structure construction

English level:

* Basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing ability

* Standard test: the fo

ur countries, six

puter level:

* puter III (database technology), Windows operating system, AutoCAD Engineering Drawing,

C Programming Language, QBASIC programming language


2001-2002 first semester second-class scholarship

Second class the second semester of the 2001-2002 scholarships

The first semester of the 2003-2004 second-class scholarship

Practice and training:

Opened in April 2001 and the mapping of the western suburbs of Surveying Practice topographic maps

June 2001 Xiaolangdi Water Control Project Internship

May 2002 production of the Three Ges site internship

Personality characteristics:

Self-management ability (in a very long time to focus on their own learning and work);

He a stronger self-learning ability (self-study the three-tier puter database technology, C programming language);

Strong curiosity (of psychology, economics, puters and other subjects are related to non-professional);



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