

11月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[购销合同范本模板]购销合同范本模板 红木家具购销合同书范本【1】 甲方(卖方) 乙方(买方) 维护双方合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》,《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关规定,甲、...+阅读


Personal Profiles

Job search intention: (can be a number of)

Name: Gender:

Date of birth :________ ____ months ____ years on health status:

:___________ Age :____ academic-year-old

Graduated from institutions of professional :_______________ :___________

Work Experience :____ years


Phone :_______________ e-mail :________________

Home Phone :_______________ Pager :________________

Address :________________ Zip :_______________

Educational background

________ ___________ In the year the University of __________

________ professional (please change as appropriate according to personal circumstances)

________ ___________ In the University of

________ __________ years of professional (can be in school on the amateur writing courses)

Work experience

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

________ ___________ In the year the pany

________ __________ __________ sector work

________ ___________ In the year the pany

________ __________ __________ sector work

(Please where appropriate, increase or decrease depending on personal circumstances)

Here should be the core content of the entire resume, candidates can focus on the narrative, and in accordance with the work of different individuals and focused with the specific content of work experience, especially with the job work experience relevant to the objectives; he to say the

most the main, the most convincing proof of work experience and most of the profits for the pany and related results; that tone to a firm and positive, strong; concrete work, the ability to prove that materials; writing experience, the general Write recent first, and then the order in accordance with the age to write. Recent work experience is very important. Work experience in each of the written work in the first date, followed by work units and positions. In this section point to note is that the statement of a person's qualifications and ability to experience, not too mention the needs of individuals, ideals and so on.

English proficiency

* Basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing ability

* Standard Test: State IV, 6; TOEFL; GRE ... ...

puter level

Programming, operating system, work, database ... ... (please, where appropriate, increase or decrease depending on personal circumstances)



Personality characteristics

Please describe the ___________________________( its own personality, work attitude, self-evaluation, etc.)

Other: (If you what to write up, please fill in here!)

* Message: (Please write your wish or a summary of the curriculum vitae of the refinery, then!)

For example: I believe your trust and I will bring us the strength of the mon success! Or hope I can contribute to your pany on its own!



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