

11月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语绕口令带音标]英语绕口令带音标【1】 Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop. 关上窗,坐在店里。 Selfish shellfish. 自私的水生有壳动物。 She said she should sit. 她说她应该坐下...+阅读


Basic information

Name: Fan xx Sex: Female

Date of Birth: Nationality: Chinese

Account is located: current Guangzhou: Guangzhou

Graduate institutions: the political landscape of the South China Institute of Business and Technology: members

Highest level of education: post-secondary repair by a professional: Tourism Management

Personnel types: ordinary job graduation date: 2009.6.27

Job intentions

Job type: Full-time or part-time

Position: guides

Hope Location: Guangzhou

Wish to pay: Negotiable

Education and training experience

From September 2003 to June 2006 the South China Institute of Business and Technology Management College school

Language Proficiency

English familiar with the

Japanese General

Putonghua proficiency

Proficient in Cantonese

puter capacity

WINDOWS operating system to proficiency, WORD.EXCEL.PPT office software, such as OFFICE. Typing speed up to 60 words per minute

Practical experience

Campus practice

2006/09: publicity ban was elected member of

2006/09: join the Propaganda Department of the Hospital Young Volunteers Association

2006/09: to join the Department of Propaganda Department of the munist Youth League

2007/06: Department of anized to participate in a full-house evening make-up was the best they can get married Award

2007/09: received new

2007/10-2008/02:奥维思Chinese college campus Service Center Agent

2008/12: to participate in the Departme

nt's 竹竿舞 petition

2008/12: to participate in the Department's English drama performance

Work experience

2009/01-2009/06: Burton Food Co., Ltd. Dongguan Sunny branch, Guangzhou, Henan branch-day service, receptionists

2008/10: the economic center of Guangdong Television Group tourism internship program

2008/09: League

2008/08: Cool cell phone sales

2007/10-2008/03:奥维思Chinese college campus Service Center Agent

2008/01: Guangzhou Baiyun International Conference Center, Chinese Ministry of Food Beverage Attendant

2007/12: ASUS puter to send a single guide

2007/11: League

2007/10: Wahaha sales

2007/06-09: The Li Bai Marketing Data Entry Clerk

2006/09: Mead Johnson staff

Received awards

2006 was rated outstanding member

In 2006 was named outstanding young volunteers

2007 was rated outstanding student leaders

2007 was named Three Goods Student

In 2007 the Department of masquerade held were the best partner award

2009 was rated outstanding graduates

Over the past had access to many national, city, school awards, such as Chinese calligraphy petition


1, the work of a conscientious and responsible, loving learning, continuous learning and mastering new technologies.

2, dare to practice, pioneering and innovative, self-learning ability. A positive attitude to the face of success and setbacks.

3, act calm, careful, prudent, responsible, there are affinity and loyalty.



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