

11月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[猜字谜语小游戏大全]猜字谜语小游戏大全【1】 红公鸡,绿尾巴,身体钻到地底下,又甜又脆营养大。 谜底 红萝卜 弟兄五六个,围着圆柱坐,大家一分手,衣服都扯破。 谜底 大蒜 身体白又胖,常在泥中藏,浑身是蜂...+阅读

小游戏猴子卖桃 规则:2个队分别派出12个人组成2组,每组6人3女3男,一共是4个组一起比赛。男生代表5角,女生代表一元,主持人说一个价钱比如说2元5角,看哪个组最快的吧这个价钱组合出来 ,谁就赢了 输赢的判定:主持人会圈出3个圈(就是放3个东西表示组合价钱的地方),在主持人没说价钱的时候,参赛人员都要在这3个圈的外面饶着走,主持人会说(今天天气真好,桃子也大丰收,我要到市场去卖个好价钱,要出多少钱呢,一元五角行不行?(这时候主持人会故意停顿),然后接着说不行(这时候如果有队伍冲上去组合价钱就要记过一次,3次记过就被淘汰了),2元5角行不行?行(一听到主持人说行,4个参赛队才能冲到拼价钱的地方去组合价钱)),为什么才给3个地方组合价钱呢,4个队啊,这就是淘汰的机制了,谁没抢到组合的位置的队伍首先被淘汰,抢到了位置的队伍也不见得就留下还要看组合的价钱对不对,不对的也要淘汰,淘汰一个队伍,组合价钱的地方就少一个,如此类推直到最后剩下的就是获胜方。(看时间和大家的兴趣而定玩几个回合)最后获得胜利的队伍可获得奖品

Small game monkey sell peaches The rules: The two teams were sent 12 people to form 2 groups (n = 6), 3 women and 3 men, the race with a total of four groups. Boys on behalf of 50 cents, on behalf of a girl, the host said, say two yuan a price of 50 cents, to see which group the fastest bination of the price out, whoever wins Winning or losing decision: Moderator circle 3 laps (that is, put three things, said the bination of the price of the place), said the price when the moderator, the contestants must Rao out of three laps to go, presided people will say (today's glorious weather, bumper harvest peaches, I go to the market to fetch a high price to how much money it $ 1.50 okay? (this time the host will deliberately pause), and then said no (this time the team rushed to the bination of the price necessary demerit 3 demerit be eliminated), $ 3.50 okay? line (I heard the host said line, rushed four teams to fight price team is not necessarily the place to be bined price)), why only to the bination of three local price, four teams, which is out of the mechanism, and who did not grab the bined position of the team first to be eliminated, grab a position lee depends on the bination of the price right not to phase out and eliminate a team, a bination of the price of local least one, and so on until the last remaining is the winner. (Look at the time and everyone's interest to play a few rounds) last won the team prize awarded


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