

11月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[购销合同范本模板]购销合同范本模板 红木家具购销合同书范本【1】 甲方(卖方) 乙方(买方) 维护双方合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》,《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关规定,甲、...+阅读


Seeking a position in Shipping


1、Good mand of English/Mandarin and MS Office software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint Outlook) ;

2、Good written and spoken in English, spoken Cantonese preferred; CET-4

3、Good interpersonal skills


From 2002.09 to 2005.07,××× University, major in International Economics and Trade


From 2006.10 to now ***Co.,Ltd Marketing Dept.Shipping Coordinator


1、To make the space reservation and handle the issuance of shipping orders with carriers/forwarders;

2、Confirm the delivery date with the follow-up Dept., Issued Shipment Advice;

3、Co-ordinate with trucking pany on cargoes pick up;

4、Contact with the customs clearing agent,and provide the doc for customs clearance;

5、Contact with the carriers/forwarders,provide the shipping informations,then arrange the payment for shipment fee,and pick up the bill of lading;

6、Proceed shipping documents including FORM A/packing list/inviove,and so on;

7、Submit the do

c with the L/C request to the bank.


1、acquainted with the special request of new customer to shipment and document, get the pliment of the pany supervisor and customer;

2、Loading 70 containers per month smoothly.

From 2005.7 to 2006.8 ×××Co.,Ltd Sales Dept. Shipping Coordinator


1、Contact with carriers/forwarders for booking space;

2、Auditing amend the L/C;

3、Tracking the purchase order ,check the goods whether he achieved the order’s request;

4、Contact with our logistic dep. on cargoes pick up;

5、Print the shipping mark, proceed shipping documents including invioce/packing list/FORM A/ certificate of fumigation,and so on;

6、Hand over the doc with the L/C request to the bank ;

7、Create our department’s weekly/monthly report.


1、Loading 60 containers per month smoothly;

2、Build up the new fumigation system;

3、Make our dept. pass smoothly to The internal audit external audit of ISO

INTEREST:Trel, music, play ping-pong.



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