

11月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语绕口令带音标]英语绕口令带音标【1】 Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop. 关上窗,坐在店里。 Selfish shellfish. 自私的水生有壳动物。 She said she should sit. 她说她应该坐下...+阅读


Personal Profile:

Name:郝某某graduate institutions: Wuhan Zhongnan University of Economics and Law Institute

Sex: Female Profession: Business Administration

Date of birth: June 7, 1987 Post Zip Code: 460079

Mailing Address: Street, Chu-hung, Hongshan District No. 636 phone: 13437288xxx

Phone :027-87785xxx e-mail: xiaolxxx&emspyahoo.

Skills summary:

English level:

Able to carry out skilled listening, speaking, reading and writing. And through four national English examination. Especially good at writing and responding to business correspondence in English, proficiency in the use of work access to relevant information in English and can be translated in time.

puter level:

NCRE 2, familiar with the Inter and e-merce. Proficiency in office automation, proficiency in Word excel in an independent and highly efficient operation and timely pletion of day-to-day office document editing.

Summary of practical experience:

July 2006 e-merce site of a chemical engineering internship. Internship during the primary function is to 1, to assist the editor in Inter Web site of domestic and foreign chemical information. 2, to collect, collate the relevant information in both English and Chinese.

July 2007 a full-time information on traf

fic consulting firm responsible consultation effective, timely and accurate customer service attitude and dedicated work over the performance, has won the recognition of colleagues and supervisors.

Educational Background:

September 2005 - July 2008 in Wuhan Zhongnan University of Economics and Law Institute

September 2002 - July 2005 Jingshan County, the fifth secondary


Legal basis for auditing, statistics, accounting, management, human resources management, logistics management, corporate strategic management, corporate governance, case studies, advertising, marketing.

Professional elective courses:

Product market position of the employee performance appraisal manual and post jobs report


Three third-class school a school of individual scholarships scholarships


Character I cheerful, active thinking, easy to municate, he good sense of team, good at getting along with colleagues. Work free from anxiety, the pany consciously obey discipline, loyalty to the pany.

Recruitment of staff, the most important capability. Talented people, no it do not. I believe he is a demand for your pany to recruit the most suitable candidates for positions, look forward to the next round of interviews!



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