

11月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[商务信函的写法]信函是公司的脸面,它对于公司树立良好的形象有着极为重要的意义。典型商务信函的内容应包括如下几点: 信头:一般来讲,商业信函均使用印有letterhead的公函信笺,这样信头就不必自...+阅读

Dear Sir,We are pleased to enclose credit information regarding the above,relative to which you inquire in your letter of March 25,1982.This is given to you in confidence and will,we trust serve your purpose.Very truly yours,We are informed:Established:March 1945 to take over the business of Nichols Toy Co.President:Mr.Need han.worth:Moderate five figure amount.Remarks:Bankers regard their experience as entirely satisfactory.Mr.Need han is understood to he experience in his line.中文对照敬启者:同函奉上贵公司1982年3月25日来函所要查询的有关上述的信用情报。这是秘密提供,敬请保密,相信这情报对贵公司能有所帮助。敬上根据各方情报:创设:1945年3月承接尼科尔斯玩具公司业务负责人:尼德汉姆公司净值:普通五位数财产(指10,000~100,000美元)结论:据往来银行的看法,该公司经验丰富,负责人尼德汉姆先生对此项业务驾轻就熟。


寄送报价单信函中英文对照Gentlemen: Through the courtesy of the Chamber of merce & Industry,HongKong,we he your name as a firm who is interested in doing business with us,in this market.We he...

要求对方付款信函中英文对照Dear Sirs,We he pleasure in advising you that your order of March 6 has been shipped today by M/Y Applol from Tokyo.Please find enclosed our invoice for @ 6182 and...

邀请信函中英文对照Dear Sirs,Our new-factory will be mencing production on January 1 and we should like to invite you and your wife to be present at a celebration to mark the occasi...

拒绝买方出价信函中英文对照Dear Sirs,Many thanks for your letter of October 6,We he given our careful consideration to your counter offer against our offer for woolen blanket.We are quite ea...

开出信用证通知信函中英文对照Dear Sirs,Many thanks for your price-list of March 15.We he now decided to place the enclosed order with you.We he asked the Bank of HongKong,here to open a credit f...

关于奖励的通知信函范例尊敬的家长: 你们好!一场瑞雪铺盖了整个村庄,在这个农闲的季节里,您卸下了一年的疲惫与辛劳,此时在您的心里一定最惦记着自己孩子的在校成长情况。今天很高兴把您孩子的第二次月...

询问报价信函中英文对照Dear Sirs, We he seen your advertisement in The Economy Dailyand are interested in your leather boxes and shoes of all kinds. Please quote us for the supply of th...

请开信用证信函中英文对照Dear Sirs,We thank you very much for your order NO.DF-16 March 28 with which you he sent us your shipping instructions.The goods of your order are being manufactur...

