

12月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com




Dear Mr. Jonas,

Centrifuge Technical Enterprises, Inc. is pleased to offer you a job as a be among our most valuable assets. Should you accept this job offer, per pany policy you'll be eligible to eceive the following beginning on your hire date:annual gross starting salary of $74, 500, paid in biweekly installments by your choice of check or direct deposit as well as standard benefits for employees, including 401(k) retirement account, annual stock options,health insurance, profit sharing,sick lee,and vacation days.

We at Centrifuge hope that you'll accept this job offer and look forward to weling you aboard.


Mathew Keller


Dear Mr xx


We are pleased to inform you that we’ve decided to employ you as one member of our team.we here extend to you our warm wele to join us and hope you could be upon arrival at x/x/2008 (M /D) to register for our pany, and to fill in a copy of employee’s Register format. You are requested to provide the following documents to pany on the registration date: 1)原单位离职证明,由原单位盖章(入职当天请提交);

Quitjob certificate with your former employer’s seal;


Transfer paper of pension or certificate of pension payment;

3)身份证原件及复印件四张 A card of Identification Card;

4)学历证明、职称证书原件及复印件两张 Certificate of diploma or title;

5)4张身份证照片(1寸蓝底) Photo(one inch) 6)近期体检报告

Physical examination report 预祝您在新的工作岗位上愉快、进步!

Wish you happiness and progress in our pany !

Salary: RMB1000.- (Gross)/month in probation

Position: xxxx



Miller Broadcasting is pleased to offer you a job as Marketing Director. Miller 广播公司很高兴为您提供市场部经理职位。

Should you accept this job offer, you'll be eligible to receive an annual gross salary of $45, 000.如果您接受所提供的这个职位,您将获得45000美元的税前年薪。

You will also receive standard benefits including health insurance and 401(k) retirement contributions.您还将享受包含保险和401 K退休基金的标准福利。

We are happy to wele you aboard.欢迎加入我们的团队。

I am pleased to accept the position of Senior Engineer.我很乐意接受高级工程师的职位。

I am eager to make a contribution to the pany.我渴望为贵公司效力。

I look forward to starting my employment on January 10, 2011.我期待能够在2011年1月10日开始工作。



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