

11月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[2017年离婚协议书范本]2017年离婚协议书范本【1】 男方: ,男,身份证号码: 女方: ,女,身份证号码: 经夫妻双方自愿协商达成一致意见,订立离婚协议如下: 一、男女双方自愿离婚。 二、子女抚养、抚养费及探望权...+阅读


如果你问的是存款证明的话,如果你已经在美国的话直接到自己的银行让他们给你一张official bank statement,一般最少要有个






Proof of Funds:

A prospective foreign student is required to demonstrate Proof of Availability of Funds when he applies for F-1 student visa in or outside of the United States. USCIS or an Officer at the local US Embassy need to be sure that the student can live in the US and pay his tuition without working, which is permitted for foreign students only under rare circumstances. Proof of Availability of Funds can be demonstrated either by the prospective student directly, or through Sponsorship. The following is a list of the standard requirements and conditions for Proof of Funds.

All financial support documents must be dated within 6 months of the intended program start date or date of extension request.

All financial support documents must be in English, or with an official translation into English from the bank attached.

All bank statements and bank letters must be on bank letterhead and include the name of the account holder, account number, and specific amount of funds.

The name of the sponsor on the affidit of support must match the name of the account holder on the bank statement or bank letter.

All funds must be readily accessible and liquid, such as sings accounts and checking accounts. Investments with fluctuating values are generally not remended as viable proof of funds.

An F-1 student may not act as a sponsor for a fellow F-1 student.

There are seven types of sponsorship that an F-1 student can he:

Change of Status US Sponsor

Affidit of Support (Notarized)

Ine Tax Return or letter from employer stating annual salary

Change of Status Sponsor Abroad

Guarantee letter of support

Change of Status Self Sponsor

Initial Entry US Sponsor

Affidit of Support (Notarized)

Ine Tax Return or letter from employer stating annual salary

Initial Entry Sponsor Abroad

Guarantee letter of support

Initial Entry Self Sponsor

TransferIn Self Sponsor, US Sponsor, or Sponsor Abroad

Recent bank statement with appropriate amount of funds for duration of I-20



This is to certify that ****(male, born on Oct. 29,1975) was employed by ******from July 1998 to present. During this period Mr. ****worked very hardhe done a good job.

According to records of personal ine kept by the financial department of ****the details of ****s annual ine during this period are listed as follows (unit: MB/Yuan).

Annual salary 11,820

Allowance for post 11,000

Bonus 10,000

This is to certify the authenticity of all listed above.

Certifier (signature):


The Personal Section Of *****

本文由本站网【范文: ../】栏目小篇为大家编辑参考阅读。留学收入证明范本


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