

12月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[离婚协议书下载模板下载]离婚协议书下载模板下载 标准离婚协议书范文【1】 离婚协议人:张 某, 男,____年____月____日出生,汉族,住____市____路____号。 离婚协议人:王 某, 女,____年____月____日出生,汉族,住...+阅读


Internship Certificate

This is to certify that ****, a student from **** University, Grade 20xx with his major in *******, has been interning in ***** Co, Ltd. as the Market Investigator from January 15th 20xx to February 23rd 20xx. His main responsibility was to take charge in the marketing investigation, assist in analyzing the information and write the final report for the market investigation.

During his internship period, *** was conscientious with his work. When he met with questions, he would consult with the senior staff modestly and accept their advice with an open mind. Moreover, he could apply the knowledge that he has learned at school to his specific work, managing to plete the tasks with high quality. Meanwhile, he plied with the rules and regulations of our pany, showed high respect to our staff and got along well with his colleagues, thus won forable appraisals from them.

Hereby certified!

********** Co, Ltd.

March 4th, 20xx英文实习证明模板下载



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