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入职通知书 英文是小编为大家精心选集的,面试外企一般都会遇到被录取通知都是英文版的,给大家收集了两个范本感兴趣的朋友一起来看看吧。本文入职通知书 英文由管理资料下载网编辑整理,望大家喜欢。

入职通知书 英文范本一:Mr / Ms:Apply your faith position of the pany, after preliminary examination, appointment shall be given admission under this pany, We sincerely wele you to join our ranks. Check the following items on, please refer to processing.First, the reporting date: Date (week) hours of being.Location:Second, the carrying information: (a) recruitment notice; (b) identity card; (c) the maximum original academic certificates; (d) qualifications, credentials (or appointment cards); (e) medical clearance (area above the Hospital Experience proved that the blood of liver function); (vi) non-city accounts need to bring proof of employment outside the home, single certificate (birth control card); (vii) three inch photos; (h) For a pany to resolve the acmodation, please bring bedding.Third, according to the provisions of the new employees the pany must first trial months probation period salary.Fourth, the forefront of the issues if questions or problems, please contact Personnel Division of the pany: (Tel :_____________)译文:先生/小姐:您诚意应聘本公司 职位,经初审合格,依本公司任用规定给予录取,谒诚欢迎您加入本公司行列。有关报到事项如下,敬请参照办理。

一、报到日期: 年 月 日(星期 ) 时 分正。地点:










三、按本公司之规定新进员工必须先行试用 个月,试用期薪资 。

四、前列事项若有疑问或困难,请与本公司人事课联系:(电话:_____________)年 月 日入职通知书 英文范本二:Dear Mr xx很高兴通知您,您已被xxxx公司录用。在此对您加盟xxxx表示欢迎,并请您2008年x.月x日来公司报到,公司需要您在来公司报到时提供以下文件: We are pleased to inform you that we’ve decided to employ you as one member of our team.we here extend to you our warm wele to join us and hope you could be upon arrival at x/x/2008 (M /D) to register for our pany, and to fill in a copy of employee’s Register format. You are requested to provide the following documents to pany on the registration date: 1)原单位离职证明,由原单位盖章(入职当天请提交); Quitjob certificate with your former employer’s seal; 2)养老金、失业转移单或缴纳证明;Transfer paper of pension or certificate of pension payment; 3)身份证原件及复印件四张 A card of Identification Card; 4)学历证明、职称证书原件及复印件两张 Certificate of diploma or title; 5)4张身份证照片(1寸蓝底) Photo(one inch) 6)近期体检报告 Physical examination report 预祝您在新的工作岗位上愉快、进步!Wish you happiness and progress in our pany ! Salary: RMB1000.- (Gross)/month in probation Position: xxxx(公司全称/pany) Department of HR 2013年x月x日以上这篇入职通知书 英文为您介绍到这里,希望它对您有帮助。如果您喜欢这篇文章,请分享给您的好友。更多各类通知书尽在:通知公告


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