

12月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文绕口令]英文绕口令 1. A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies 2. I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw. 3. Betty...+阅读

Given Name **Family Name Liu

English Name Simon

Name in Chinese Gender male

Marital Status married

Current Correspondence Address No.222 DaPing Main Road,Yuzhong District,Chognqing.

CellPhone Number **Home Number **

Email Address **

Date of Birth February 27, 1984

Nationality Chinese

Education Details 1996-1999 No. 50 Middle School

1999-2002,No. 66 High School

2002-2006,Sichuan International Studies University/ English language literature (bachelor)

Work experience

From May 2010 to now Hach pany

(Water Quality Analyzing and Biochemistry instruments, Danaher group)

Position:Assistant to senior director Business Analyst

1. Assist management team to work out sales Targets (annual PD goal)

2. To prepare the speech content for senior sales director as well as following up the resolution and feedbacks after meetings.

3. Monthly market and sales analysis and temporary business analysis as required.

4. To prepare the presentation materials in English

5. To acplish various data analysis for sales and service team

6. Coordinate necessary munications between the internal departments and offices located in major cities of China.

7. File management, collecting and assorting the useful information

8. Trel arrangements, lodging reservations, transportation arrangements and scheduling of appointments for senior sales director

From Oct. 2005 to July 2008, Chongqing Planning Exhibition Gallery

Position:Foreign affairs investment official

(interpreter for urban Planning.)

Major job:

By means of models, picture, documentary,I guided people to take an insight into the urban planning of the city in the near future. The job required me to be proficient in both written and oral English as well as the skills to municate with people,especially providing consulting service with my skillful expertise about urban planning.

From July 2008-Jan 2010,Chongqing Changan Visteon engine control system Co., Ltd. (a joint venture between US and China)

Post: Assistant to GM

Main responsibilities:

Provide high-quality day-to-day support to GM.

Coordinate necessary internal and external munications, such as work exchange between Chinese side and foreign side in JV, munication with South Group CA Group, etc.

Provide translation interpretation in each meeting, translation of all kinds of necessary documents and E-mails to ensure unblocked munication between both sides.

Records and file management, such as meeting minutes, documents, etc.

Trel arrangements, lodging reservations, transportation arrangements and scheduling of appointments for DGM and visitor.


As an employee who has been doing customer service oriented job for over 3 years in Chongqing Urban Planning Exhibition Gallery, and 3-year working experience in the sales department of wholly foreign owned pany, I think Ive got the necessary petencies and skills for sales and customer oriented job.

Since October 2005, Ive been working in Chongqing Planning Exhibition Gallery which is one of the major social cultural facilities in Chongqing. I guided the foreign investment teams to take an insight into the urban planning of the city in the near future,and the job required me to be proficient in both written and oral English as well as the interpersonal skill with people from different fieds,especially providing consulting service with my skillful expertise.

In 2007, as the project supervisor, I succeeded in importing the painting exhibition Treasure of Italywith my team. It was the important project to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Chongqing being the municipality.


I am an enthusiastic and dedicated person who would never yield to difficulties easily. Id love to work hard and independently as well in my team to acplish the task at the best level.

Besides being proficient in both oral and written English, I am able to read and speak French as well. .



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