

12月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[管理岗位自荐信,自荐信]管理岗位自荐信怎么写?在参加岗位竞聘时,一份好的自荐信会起到关键性作用!如何书写这份岗位竞聘自荐信?小编为大家准备了管理岗位自荐信范文,请参考! 岗位竞聘自荐书范文【1】...+阅读



dear sir/madam:

thank you very much for skimming my letter in your busy time. and i am very appreciate than your esteemed pany would give me an opportunity.

first please allow me to introduce myself. my english name is cathy. i am the graduate student in foreign college of jingsu university of science and technology. i learn that your pany is recruiting now. i am confident that four years of university study and the social practice can help me to apply for the position in your pany.

i he had a solid theoretical foundation because of the four years of english learning. the annual internship experience make me from theory to practice, although i he no formal work experience. however i am sure that i he a certain degree of understanding of the foreign trade posts and the translation work. and i believe that i he a strong learning ability, and ican pletely adapt to the new work in a short time.

under the teachers strict teaching and my personal efforts, i he formed a solid foundation of professional knowledge, mastered the business english knowledge. at the the spare time i also actively read the professional knowledge of the relevant newspapers and magazines, understing the new economic situation, and initially he a good mand of english basic munication and translation ability. in addition, i also actively participate in munity activities and volunteer service activities, take part in the english speech contest, translation contest, english tongue twisters and english about the game, also involve in the strawberry music festival, better xijin ferry and other large activities of the volunteer activities. these practice allow me to chece my knowledge, and also make me to he the strong ability of analysis and solving problems, and make me more confident and mature.

self-confidence and perseverance is my principle,and calm and optimism is the attitude of my way. i he the confidence and hope to get the opportunity to work in your pany. attach a brief resume. thank you again for your concern for me. look foraward to your reply.




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