

01月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[地雷战观后感150字]地雷战观后感150字,地雷战是一部具有教育意义的电影,地雷战观后感150字怎么写,下面带来地雷战观后感150字范文,欢迎阅读。 地雷战观后感150字[1] 今天,我和爸爸一起看了爱国主义...+阅读


Rome Holiday is a classic love story.In the last fifty years,it had moved millions of spectators.This charming story happened between Princess Anne and a USA reporter Joe in Rome.When Anne paid her visit to Rome,she was tired from courtesy and work,so she escape from her villa on that night.When she fell asleep on a public bench,she happened to see a kind reporter Joe.When Joe recognized Anne was the princess,they started a romantic trip in Rome and both then fell in love with each other deeply.However,Anne knew her duty to her country and people,she had to lee Joe.When a reporter asked which city did she like best,she answer Rome,of course Rome! I was deeply moved in this movie,Hepburns acting was so charming and wonderful.She was the princess in this movie,she was also the princess in my heast.If someone ask me which film do I like best,I will replyRome Holiday,of course Rome Holiday!

Titanic Once More

Maybe every body would like to pack into the ship, Titanic,spareing no effort , but they didnt notice that while they he one food in the ship, but the other food they he in death.

Or maybe we should be brer, to fill more exciting and real things in the life which look like the death water. Even if in all life long we only he a real love, we can still smile in the darkness: you promise me, you will never give up and them close your eyes, and be happy after that because your beloved husband or wife is happy.

As for me, Titanic is great not only because of the great and ever-lasting love, but also the issues, how to choose-----live or die, to be or not to be, thats a question .Anybody who can ensure the person, who uses the harmful methods or even the evil methods in order to escape from the ship, can live a good life in the future?Anybody who can ensure the women, who are afraid of danger so that they were not willing to reverse the ship to help her husband and the others husbands, he he courage to face to their children and the kids father.H uman nature, likes the decayed fruits in summer at the moment, naked ugly in front of us.The lost soul frosted in the sea, will murmur for ever with their story.What will acpany them? Maybe there were only the ever-lasting regret and the sudden shout of surprise nightmare of the living person.

I want to live, live in a peaceful life.If not, I would like to drop off peacefully in my sleep.Just like the violin, with remote melody, to release the souls of the dead deeply anxious .

Forrest Gump(阿甘正传)

Forrest Gump is honest keeping ones word , conscientiously , bre paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has bee the degenerate symbol. And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behe with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, hing even joined poesy position, this makes the film seem soft and he no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too. Success with mercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on directors art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds.


The film Runaway Vacation is a family road trip edy directed by Barry Sonnenfeld, This is a story a bout Bob who is going to 50 years old, career challenges, the family is faced with crisis. He is going to for taking his time with family on a trip to Hawaii, to improve bad family relations; He can not put the affairs of the pany, because a man who is a famous university MBA gives him a serious threat, if he not hard work, he will be out of work at any time.He he cudgeled his brains to find a good idea: canceling the trip to Hawaii as well as the family hire a motor home, go to his business trip to the nearby city , to a camping activities. On one side is busy tedious work, one side is looking forward to a good journey, The problem is that Bob is not superman, so he cant deal with all the problems, on the contrary, Creating a lot of jokes.

The atmosphere of the movies are always easy and funny, I like the Bob (Robin Williams Robin Williams act the role),he always Creat a lot of jokes.The film features some really strong laughs including the scene where Bob tries to drive the RV over the mountain.Robin Williams edic facial expressions that make me chuckle. He is a good actor.

I also like how this film at times left it up to the audiences imagination. There are a couple of scenes that would he been really stupid and wouldnt work if they actually showed what was happening. The whole raccoon scene is a perfect example of this.

In the rv camp, they meet a very strange family, although the family is not decent in others eyes , their families are warm and harmonious. They so enthusiastic and kind, in the beginning, Bob family still cant accept them, But in the end of this film, Two families became good friends.Let us learn about sometimes we need to believe people and help each other.

The music is important in Runaway Vacation,Bobs family singsthe big rolling turd song in the motor home,which make movie more active,

You will be impressed with importance of family, which is one of main ideas of the film. Although this is a edy movie,we also can feel Bobs love and responsibility to his family, I understand a truth,that we should love our family and share our happiness and sadness with them, life is a gift, we should be face the lifes difficulties more actively,we can overe difficult and live a happy life.



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