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[购销合同范本模板]购销合同范本模板 红木家具购销合同书范本【1】 甲方(卖方) 乙方(买方) 维护双方合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》,《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关规定,甲、...+阅读



In the first half year,under the vigorouse support of GGF and the enthusiastic crew in the office,the job has been almost finished by the end of this year.

Major task for the first year:

A.Inner Adjustment:

For all the office crew joined the association for obligation,the he little experience of environmental protection and less special knowledge of birds.

In order to make them better understand the task of NGO,and also to improve working efficiency,we he got together to study and The Reform of Chinese anization at the beginning of this year.

We focused on the situation and foreground of NGO in china.

At the following time we concentrated on how to develop ourselves and what means can we use to streghten,ect.

After approximately two weeks argumentation,we learnt many about what we should do.

Now,we can cooperate with each other much better.


1.Personal experience:we are all in firm believing that the movement of observing birds being a great measurement,which will increase peoples lovefor them.

Dalian is a hilly area which makes it quite different from here to there.

For the sake of gathering more suitable place to observe birds,the 8 of our cadremen went to the Bin Hai Road,Dahei mountain,Lushun Farmland and circumjacent villages and towns.

Finally,we chose Lao Tie Mountain,the forest in Bin Hai Road,Birds Forest,Two Islands Bay,Lushun Farm etc.

This has established the basement of observing birds in the Autumn.

2.In order to promote more and more people to protect the birds in Dalian,we held an article match with the theme of Take Good Care of Birds in Dalian.

There are two advantages:on one hand,we could seize this opportunity to propagate to the thousands of college students in Dalian to pay more attention of birds.

On the other hand,wed like to let more citizens know what the birds,as same as humanbeings,are worth cherishing by college studentspleasure articles.

3.In order to widely propagate for cherishing the birds,in the early May,we held a bicycle-riding for signiture movement with the same theme Take Good Care of Birds in Dalian.

This activity was run cooperatively with the Environmental Protecting Association of Dalian Maritime University,Dalian Daily,New Business and several other broadcasting station also made immediate report.

We altogether more than 30 people sent the handbills,collected signitures,made survey,which made this activity more splendid.

Not only was the scroll filled with peoples signiture,even before 10 oclock,but also many people felt pity that they hent got a place to sign their name on.

After hearing our secretary-general Weiwei Jiangs English introduction,a tourist from Ireland was very glad of signing his name,and left a word significative movementsfor us.

We felt really happy to see that this activity had so wide influnce,and so many people attended it.

All these were the affirmation of our efforts,and reflected that in the modern metropolis there are also a lot of people loving nature.

4.In the early June,we he edited The Message of Birds in DalianN2.

We piled the keystone of our work and splendid articles into the book.

We usually municate with other Birds Association for the NGO and related experience.

In Dalian locality,we often go out to send handbills in the universities,elementary school near Lushun in which birds formicating.

Wed like to make them understand that birds also he their own emotions.

Anyone, who destroys the nature,will equal to destroy humankind.

Problem existing:For cadremens lack of expenrience for anizing the activities,things are short of proper arrangement;For they he little knowledge of birds,there are still many little problems existing when editing program or holding the activities.

The main task of the second half of year:

1.The investigation of Black-faced Spoonbill of Dalian in winter

2.The propagation and education of several grade schools in Lushun

3.The edition and publishment of The Message of Birds in DalianN2,and the edition of N4

July 26th 2004

Wild Bird Society of Dalian


Work summary

Im XXX, a graduate student from XXX University.

My major is Electrical Automation.

I will graduate in July next year.

Before I applied for graduate study, I worked in XXX for over a year, I he some design experience in my last job, As an intern, I came to XXX in November 17.

Counting on my fingers, I he stayed here for about four weeks.

In here I make a brief summary for this four weeks practice work.

First of all thanking you for giving me this internship opportunity, I had a chance to begin my career in advance, at the same time; I took part in the two weeks training about XXX.

During the training, I was inquisitive and tried to improve myself.

Every day I seriously record the knowledge our teacher explained, while studying specification related to automation design at night so as to prepare for future design work.

Meanwhile, I seized every chance to learn from colleagues who participate in projects, in this way, the technology of automation and ability of practice had been improved.

In this way, I prehensively studied the drawing of Automation design, and understood the Culture and regulations of our pany; I am skilled in the using CAD, Office Software.

Although I cant log on the system of XXX, XXX, I know how to use them.

For instance, I know how to create a loop diagram with XXX.

Moreover, I pay attention to the relationship with colleagues.

We learn from and help each other; I would take initiative to do something, when encountering some problems that I couldnt resolve, I usually ask and learn from them.

In short, during the period, I he grown up a lot, both in work, and the way of getting along with others.

I had bee more mature and stable.

Consciously, I feel I he reached the panys requirements and are still growing and improving.

In here I ge a summary for passing probation.

I would like to contribute my knowledge, energy and enthusiasm to XXX.




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