

01月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[地雷战观后感150字]地雷战观后感150字,地雷战是一部具有教育意义的电影,地雷战观后感150字怎么写,下面带来地雷战观后感150字范文,欢迎阅读。 地雷战观后感150字[1] 今天,我和爸爸一起看了爱国主义...+阅读


was almost dead with hunger when he happened to meet a House-dog who was passing by. Ah, Cousin, said the Dog. I knew how it would be; your irregular life will soon be the ruin of you. Why do you not work steadily as I do, and get your food regularly given to you?

I would he no objection, said the Wolf, if I could only get a place. I will easily arrange that for you, said the Dog; e with me to my master and you shall share my work.

So the Wolf and the Dog went towards the town together. On the way there the Wolf noticed that the hair on a certain part of the Dogs neck was very much worn away, so he asked him how that had e about. Oh, it is nothing, said the Dog.

That is only the place where the collar is put on at night to keep me chained up; it chafes a bit, but one soon gets used to it. Is that all? said the Wolf. Then good-bye to you, Master Dog.

Better starve be a fat sle.The day before yesterday, I saw a film named Ring King It is said the film has won the Oscar award.

Before filming, the director spent seven years planning. There are about one thousand actors and actresses taking part.

The film is about a powerful ring which affects the fate of the beings. In their fight for peace, many people lost their lives.

But in the end, justice defeated the evil.

The film tells us that persistence and courage are the source of success. With persistence and courage, you are sure to win no matter how weak you are. I enjoyed the film very much. Its worth seeing although its

感谢父母(Dear parents,thank you for your love)

Dear father and mother,

First,thank for your love.l love you,too.You always take care of me.For example,help me with my home work.And when l am ill,you always care for me very well.But sometimes l cannot understand you very well.l always make you very angry.And now,l want to say sorry to you.lt will be mothers birthday soon.So l will prepare a nice present for you.

At last,l want to say,l love you,my parents.

Sincerely XXX


Many people often use mental illness to scold one another. It is obversely that people always he some social prejudice on the mental illness.

In many cases, psychopaths always refuse to be given medication. No one can deny that it is disbeneficial to them,but the problem is not so simple.We must realize that the enforced behior against the respondents will ,such as injection of mind-altering drugs ,is highly offensive to their dignity and autonomy.

To some sufferers, the word normal is so boring,they really hate this,and I he to say that they also own the right to stand on their dignity!

As a final ment, I should say that no matter how terrible the people may be, they should be entitled to make decision and there is on doubt that prejudice should be oided in society.

观后感英语作文 100 200字


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