

01月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[地雷战观后感150字]地雷战观后感150字,地雷战是一部具有教育意义的电影,地雷战观后感150字怎么写,下面带来地雷战观后感150字范文,欢迎阅读。 地雷战观后感150字[1] 今天,我和爸爸一起看了爱国主义...+阅读


The fourth class harmonious beauty

The gymnastics team in the preliminary contest is not very ideal, strive for the Olympic Games gold medal in the final. Brothers: the munication between the team to establish a trust, the mistakes of others, to give confidence, dont give up hope, and trust each other, in the case of cant win!

To work together with students in the school, to successfully plete the team task, to learn the choir from a wonderful song, like a chopstick is easy to broken, a pair of chopsticks is not broken, unity is strength.

Discovery is beauty, beauty is all around us.

第四课 和谐美






On September 1, it is a busy day. We raise the smiling face of the youth, back schoolbag, step into the long-awaited warmth of the campus.

This year the first lesson is primary and middle school students to greet the party 18 large important activities. The theme of beauty around you. In this year, we he sprung up around a lot of epic beautiful people : the most beautiful teacher Zhang Lili, best driver Mr. Wu is the most beautiful warrior Gao Tiecheng...

The most beautiful characters and their story let us move; In this year, our country has many beautiful things, lets inspiring: god nine flying, dragon sea, Olympic athletes work hard... These good role models and encourage us to strive forward.

Starts the first class in the form of the students happy theme class meeting, more integrated into the celebrity lectures and interactive game, the traditional patriotism education into a special party.

As the saying goes: when a man to share the pain, the pain of his cut in half; when a person to share happiness with others, and his happiness is doubled.

A group of children from the prairie chorus let me deeply understand: love is giving, love is sharing, boundless grassland, in the face of blue sky, white clouds, green grass, cattle, the children learned to use songs to share their happiness, I understand them and know the only Shared love, is the worlds most valuable love.

Starts the first class in the form of the students happy theme class meeting, more integrated into the celebrity lectures and interactive game, the traditional patriotism education into a special party.

As the saying goes: when a man to share the pain, the pain of his cut in half; when a person to share happiness with others, and his happiness is doubled.

A group of children from the prairie chorus let me deeply understand: love is giving, love is sharing, boundless grassland, in the face of blue sky, white clouds, green grass, cattle, the children learned to use songs to share their happiness, I understand them and know the only Shared love, is the worlds most valuable love.

I benefit a lot from the school first class, I believe that love will make our country more beautiful, our tomorrow will be better!














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