

01月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[地雷战观后感150字]地雷战观后感150字,地雷战是一部具有教育意义的电影,地雷战观后感150字怎么写,下面带来地雷战观后感150字范文,欢迎阅读。 地雷战观后感150字[1] 今天,我和爸爸一起看了爱国主义...+阅读


What is love, love is through all the obstacles, let a person get happiness and joy of good channel.

I sit at my window, heart cant be calm once, the story finished debunked, but also ripples in mind.

This is a science fiction films, elliot is an illusion, the little boy often fantasize that fantasy he aliens exist.

ET, who was one of the earth was kind of aliens, but full of love, he found little elliot sed ET, everyday, friendship and love to take care of him to their hearts of bridge tightly together, although language cannot municate very well, but their feelings beyond all together,

Although appearance has so big difference, but he a docile and purity of heart, between them has established a wonderful telepathy, they became best friends.

He remembered the boy and ET live together in good time, they were so happy and happy. What makes them together, bee good friends? I think this is the power of love, elliot with that kind of love, care the helpless ET,

concerned with ET understanding, ET also use ET pure heart, love each other, love, love is the force, is the most sincere love between friends, the love is cannot replace, is the most precious of heart of love.

Precisely because of the little boy and the love that they ET obtain happiness and happiness, but those people are so ruthless, let a drama.4.ely tragedy into.

And the moment, people found the ET, such as predators, police forces in the FBI - swarmed into, relentlessly grabbed one of despair, ET elliot - poor man.

Is the peoples ignorance, crushed a childrens hope, also cracked the ET life, and in this critical juncture, elliot and ET telepathic gone, love, care and dying moment in ET, in order to make the boys safety, they dont boy telepathic broken, it is a sharp contrast!

Let the world more love, love life, love to every one that cosmic warm, bee a big home.

Then a voice: the ear, as long as everyone is given their love, the world will bee a better human....


he short, squat creatures that turn up in animated movies may all be starting to run together in your mind, which makes finding a distinctive voice for such characters all the more important.

The creators of Home made an inspired choice in that regard for their little hero, recruiting Jim Parsons of The Big Bang Theory for the job, and they made another by pairing him with the pop star Rihanna.



The result is a charming concoction with positive messages for younger children about conquering fears, understanding outsiders and knowing yourself.


Mr. Parsons is Oh, an extraterrestrial of the Boov species, which is highly skilled at running away from danger and at taking over other species plas.




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