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Internship Report



First, to deepen understanding of profession, to confirm career preferences.

There are many ways to understand the career industry, for example, read related articles, consult the industry, but the most direct way is personally do the job.

In the process of doing, you can determine whether you like the job and your own ability to perform.

If you are petent, to find a job after graduation, you can use it as the target job; on the contrary, you must find a new direction for the work.

Second, to prepare the transition from student to profession.

It is often said, the university is an ivory tower.

Indeed, there are great differences between the schools and the workplace, learning and work, students and staff.

In the role of the transformation process, peoples views, behior, and psychological aspects he to make the appropriate adjustments.

Third, to enhance the petitive advantage when looking for work.

A pany conducted a survey, How to choose an employer graduates.

Participating panies, including foreign, enterprises and private enterprises, the scale big and small.

There is a topic so that they can choose the value, including schools, professional achievements, certificates, internship experience, social practice, accounts and so on.

The results of different nature and size of the pany he quite different focus, only one element is important for all panies, that is, job-related training and experience of candidates.

So, if you he the relevant college internship experience in looking for work, there will be a great advantage.



During this month, with my father, I he got the chance to work as an intern in Tianjin Haiping Industry and Trade pany, which really excited me for a long time.

The pany is a start-up by my fathers friend, and it belongs to a micro-firm, so it only employed ten people or less.

After an brief self-introduction with the staff of the pany, my internship started.

It was my first time that I worked in a real pany.

I felt a little nervous because I had no idea of what kind of job I would take.

As an English major student, Im sure my knowledge of English is adequate for the job.

And I he basic knowledge of foreign trade .

So I think I just need to apply it into practice.

During this time I worked as an assistant in the office, helped to deal with the language work, such as municating with foreigners in English and translating the files between the panies.

And I also did some daily and easy work because of my lack of work experience.

Then my first major task was handling phone lines, including ining and outgoing phone calls in the front desk.

Initially, I thought this task would be easy, after all it was just answering phone calls, but I quickly learned how much work had to be put into these phone calls.

I realized that I had to better equip myself with the knowledge about the munication, be prepared for answering questionings, and memorize all the department extension as we were not allowed to reference any directory when transferring calls.

Fortunately, after one week, I was able to grasp all the necessary requirements and I progressed a lot.

In addition, during my first task as front desk personnel, I was exposed to other tasks, such as do some faxing and photocopying in pany, preparing the material for the workmates, fetching newspaper or other documents for them.

I had been doing that work almost a week.

At the very beginning, I was so disappointed about what I was busy with.

I was even so tired of them and ge it up.

But when I saw the hard-working mates and some courage from my friends and leader, I moved on.

The following weeks, I switched gears and moved to the main office where I would spend the next two weeks in front of a puter, conducting research into different corporations in China that produce the similar products with our pany.

The process was not only time consuming, but plex and knotty as it involved a great amount of reading and recording.

I managed to produce information, and municate with customers and send e-mails.

E-mail is the most mon form of munication with customers.

Therefore, we can use the knowledge about English correspondence for foreign trade we he learned in school.

Many buyers or full-time purchasers simply judge your professionalism by your E-mail.

Many customers also liked contacting with me on MSN or Skype, and they would ask for voice munication.

At first I was nervous ,and I was always thinking about how to speak English in the right words and correct grammar.

However, I found that they were not exactly strict to my English.

As long as my oral English is enough to municate and I know professional product knowledge, they can understand what I say.

They are all outgoing but serious when talking about business.

Though hard and a little boring, I can be a part of the social society and enjoyed the pressure and petition from the outside world, quite different from the school yard.

And also, many disadvantages and weakness he shocked me so much during the intern time.

When I was blamed or criticized for my fault at first, I would try to argue with them and oid my duty in the case.

However, now, after such a long time training, I will be silent to accept what they teach me or scold me, and then self-question myself to make some changes.

What I learned at school is so limited that I can hardly put into practice when faced with different plicated situations in society.

So there is no doubt that Ill read more and experience much to balance the book-knowledge and social life.

And only in this way, can I be of importance to me, then to the country.



Study for the sake of use. as a Chinese saying goes, I should say that there does exist a big gap between theories and practice.

During this internship period, I he learned a lot of things that I cant get from our books:

First, it offers me an opportunity to get in touch with the things that I hent encountered before.

Many products of our pany are stranger to us.

Furthermore, I he broadened my horizons.

Secondly, the internship rightly provides me with a good chance to train my ability of munication and improve the spirit of teamwork.

There are about ten employees in all.

I didnt get acquainted with any of the other four, but in the first week, we got familiar with each other and shared information with each other.

Also, when I encounter a difficult case, Ill also turn to the senior members of this department for help and they are always ready to help.

Harmonious interpersonal relationship, right? Yes,a good relationship with our colleagues is priceless treasure to us as well as a strong sense of teamwork.

Thirdly, English is just a tool for munication.

Therefore, as an English major student, we cant be limited to the study of the language but involve ourselves with knowledge of other areas.

In the first few days, I always felt frustrated because there were so many new terms that I couldnt digest thoroughly.

Although I can do very well in English reading, there are much desired for me to understand the situations provided by customers.

However, practice makes perfect.

With almost one-month practice, I now manage to handle the cases well.

Knowledge, like the sea, is boundless; only through hard study can one reach the destination.

It is pletely right.


Problems and Solutions :

The first one is related with the foreign trade terms.

Such as quotation, ordering, terms of payments, out-factory preparation and payment.

They are the most plicated and difficult issues.

Because my major is not business English, I did not know the jargon and the professional name of our products at the beginning.

I would read some books about International Trade to learn them by myself.

And sometimes, I would ask others to explain them for me.

The best solutions will be taken down into my note book.

I know it does need some time to experience in handling such cases.

The second, my working attitude is not good enough.

At first, I did not realize the seriousness of working.

But I tried to correct my thoughts and focused myself on my work.

But the members there did offer great help and teach me a lot of things.

The third, being shy is always my weakness.

In fact, when I am with my friend, I am talkative.

But during my work there, at first, I get nervous with the strangers.

The last but not least, my oral English is not good enough and I must practice it again and again to improve it.

When I was talking with the foreigners I found that sometimes it was very hard to understand what they are talking about, not because of sick listening prehension, but their accents, which really bothered me a lot.

What we learned in the class is Standard English, so it is easy for us to understand each other.

There are some customers pronunciation I cannot understand.

One time, a client called me on Skype, so I found that he spoke very fast and I just can catch Hello! Then I could not understand any word and I immediately told him I do not understand what he said, and then he typed while I speak.

So Ill work hard to get a good mand of oral English and listen to the pronunciation from different countries frequently.

Thus Ill he a more fluent munication with my clients.

Actually, Ive been taken action right away.

I try my best to make friends and chat with them from different countries.

Ill work even harder.

Graduation practice is to plete the final phase of the universitys course to be the most important section of the Practice.

Practice is every qualified students must hean experience that allows us to enhance professionalism in the practice of awarenessand practice of awareness.

We practice during the process of training units in theschool and support, more guidance of experts, through training we learned a lot in class, not simply the knowledge of school for our future design and lay a solid foundation.

At the same time allow themselves to contact the school for the purpose ofinternship training of our ability, the five-week internship to increase their ability to hea lot of knowledge, greatly improved.

Graduation purpose

Internship is designed to improve the ability of students and social contacts and to understand and master, verify and consolidate learned basic course content.

Enable students to understand the modern high-rise building design and the actual construction of electrical easy to ignore the problem, students integrate theory with practice, love the professional, enthusiastic, mitted to thinking of Chinas modernization drive.

Graduation content

To achieve the above objective practice, practice the main content should include:

1.Understand the internship process and production anization of productionmanagement.

2.Understand the performance of some electrical products and features.

3.Control low-voltage distribution system design, weak part of the design, lighting,part of the design, dynamic part of the design, lightning protection and grounding part of the design.

4.Institute of electrical equipment used in operating methods and the basic working principle.

Although this practice is only 3 weeks time, but during that time, the theory for somemon things, with perceptual awareness, feel benefit.

Here are some of my summary of the internship period, and their feelings and experiences.

To carry out their work in the future, and the future work of great help tome.

Visit the West Campus, Dongsheng Building and City Hall and linear low-voltagepower distribution room, and the laying of the roof there are weaknesses in the design of some of mine.

Now I will explain in detail the building of the lightning protection and grounding

1.Basic principles:

Lightning protection design of technical measures should be the existing national standard lightning protection design of buildings for Lightning Protection, refer to Building Lightning Protection Design Standard corresponding requirements, the use of ball lightning rod protection method, the use of other potential join the most important safety measures.

2.Anti-cloud-to-measure, should meet the following requirements:

(1) air terminals using the lightning rod, lightning protection zone (work), or a bination of both, it should be used as a metal roof building air terminals, but should be consistent with regulatory requirements.

Containing radioactive material should not be used air terminals.

The elimination of other forms of lightning, it should only be used with high pole tower roof was added to our building on.

Protrusions on the roof, such as satellite and receiver antenna, holiday lights, iation obstruction lights and air-cooled unit, the roof should be in the range of lightning protection devices, if not calculated by ball within the scope of protection should be separate lightning rod, with protection, lightning protection device connected with the roof.

(2) deflectors should give priority to the use of reinforced concrete building columns or shear walls in the main bar, but also should use the building on fire ladders, steel columns, metal chimneys, etc., as deflectors.

When the use of steel in reinforced concrete columns, steel columns as a natural drop, and also used as a grounding device based steel with no disconnect card, but it should be located in a number of suitable locations outside the bar connected with the column connecting plate, for the measurement, an external artificial grounding and equipotential bonding for use.

Brick buildings surrounded by a separate deflectors in the external walls and the installation of 1.

8 meters from the ground disconnected card.

The 1.7 meters to 0.

3 meters underground for some protective measures should be taken.

(3) The use of grounding devices should give priority to the building of reinforced concrete base.

A reinforced concrete ground beam, should in the beam reinforced with a ring grounding device; not reinforced concrete ground beam, it can not in the building surrounding strip of reinforced concrete base closed, galvanized flat steel with a direct lay-40x4 pit in the outer groove to form a circular grounding.

When the transformer and the work of the diesel generator neutral grounding, electrical protective earth grounding system work and share weak grounding device, the grounding resistance should be less than 1 euro.

Use mon grounding, the weak systems should their equipment room, and building insulation grounding stud, with more than 25 mm2 copper cable or wire welded steel pipe made through a separate drop, the foundations of buildings connected with the ground plate.

Weak system of general requirements for grounding resistance of less than 4 ohms, should be an independent ground system view often ? Boxu Chile to catch car owner thereupon low ash wood ho chant argon ∮? 0 meters.

3.Sideswipe against mine measures should meet the following requirements:

Height over 30 meters of reinforced concrete structures, steel structures, should take the following anti-swipe mine and equipotential bonding of the protective measures:

(1) steel frame and reinforced concrete should be connected to each other;

(2) should be used within the steel column or reinforced concrete columns reinforced as a lightning protection device deflectors;

(3) should be 30 meters and over the railings on the external walls, doors, windows and other large metal objects and lightning protection device is connected;

(4) vertical laying of metal pipes and metal top and low-end devices to be connected with the mine;

(5) columns and ring beam without the buildings, walls should be laid at intervals of around three out of galvanized round steel 12 to do the grading rings, a bination of columns and ring beam, the use of steel for the ring beam grading ring.

All the building every three vertical metal pipe connected with a grading ring.

Grading ring should be connected with the lightning protection device deflectors.

4.Lightning induction of measures, should meet the following requirements:

(1) The protection of metal objects within the building ground, is the main measure lightning induction.

Therefore, the building housing the equipment, pipelines, and other major metal frame should be close to receiving the grounding or electrical equipment, lightning protection grounding device

(2) parallel to the laying of pipes, cables metal jacket structure and a long metal object, the spacing is less than 100mm should be used jumper wire, cross-junction spacing should not exceed 30m; crossing clearance less than 100mm, the should be across the intersection.

5.Lightning invasion we of measures, should meet the following requirements:

(1) line of low voltage lines should be buried with the cable directly into the home end of the cable jacket or the protection of metal pipe on the device receiving the lightning protection and grounding; if connected to overhead lines should be changed into the household 50m cable, cable for connection at arrester should be installed, and with the cable metal sheath, steel and iron insulator feet, fittings, etc.

together, the impulse grounding resistance should not exceed 10 ohms.

If overhead wires are used, the arrester should be installed into office.

(2) overhead and underground metal pipes, should be in and out of buildings and lightning protection grounding device connected at.

Fixed on the building of holiday lights, iation obstruction lights and other electrical equipment of the line, should be based on the importance of building the mine to take corresponding measures invasive radio wes:

a.no metal or electrical equipment protection work should cover the protection of air terminals within;

b.The line leads from the distribution box should wear steel.

Ends of the pipe is connected with metal distribution box; the other side of the metal casing and electrical equipment, protective cover is connected, and lightning protection devices connected to your nearest roof.

Pipe should be located off the middle of the jumper.

Third, and experience

This internship, I learned that the size of the plant level, the production process and the production of some conventional products, the study design in the future I believe there will be more help.

In addition, I feel that through this internship for me after the choice of electrical equipment, lighting, power, systems, lightning protection and grounding aspects of the design will be very helpful thank the school and the teacher ge us this Gui internship opportunities.



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