

01月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[2017年离婚协议书范本]2017年离婚协议书范本【1】 男方: ,男,身份证号码: 女方: ,女,身份证号码: 经夫妻双方自愿协商达成一致意见,订立离婚协议如下: 一、男女双方自愿离婚。 二、子女抚养、抚养费及探望权...+阅读

Divorce agreement【一】

The agreement were: A, M, year month date of birth, Han nationality, live in city, No. Lu.

Agreement Person: Mr. Wang, female, year month date of birth, Han nationality, live in city, House Lu

An agreement of the parties in the day of the District Peoples Government for marriage registration. Personality is not suited for the two sides could not live together, marital relations he broken down, divorce is now two sides to reach an agreement as follows:

1, Zhang and Wang, divorce.

2, the son Zhang from the womans care, the men who pay a monthly maintenance fee 500 yuan paid before the 10th of each month; up to 18 years of age pay only 18 years after the two sides in future renegotiation of the cost.

3, couples are located in the road of building a set of numbers, worth 60,000 yuan, is now owned by the woman in consultation of all, the man from the woman a one-time payment of 30,000 yuan in cash. Room of the home appliances and furniture, etc. (see list), both sides agreed price is 20,000 yuan, all owned by the woman, the man paid 10,000 yuan female direction.

4, husband and wife without the mon claims and liabilities.

5, Zhang can be the first Saturday of each month 8:00 am picked her son up to their place of residence, on Sunday morning, 9:00 back to Wang, place of residence, such as temporary or Spring Festival to visit can be one day in advance in consultation with Mr. Wang and reach agreed consultative approach can be carried out after the visit.

Triple copies of this Agreement, a style, both sides armed with a copy of the marriage registration office filed a copy of both sides signed and approved by the appropriate procedures for handling the marriage registration office to take effect.

The agreement were: the agreement by:

Divorce agreement【二】

The agreement were: A, M, X X year X month X date of birth, Han nationality, live in city, X X X X X X X X No. Lu.

Agreement Person: Mr. Wang, female, year X month X date of birth, Han nationality, live in city, X X X X X X X XHouse Lu

An agreement of the parties in the X X day of the District People\s Government for marriage registration. Personality is not suited for the two sides could not live together, marital relations he broken down, divorce is now two sides to reach an agreement as follows:

1, Zhang and Wang, divorce.



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