

01月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[教导处开学讲话稿]开学典礼发言稿 同学们,老师们: 迎着凉爽的秋风,我们一起开始了新的一学期的学习。 今年的暑假,我们的学校又增加了368名一年级新的学生和十位新的老师,他们是我们的新成员、新朋...+阅读


Honorable Dean of Sirpa, honorableProfessors, fellow students and friends,

The year has just started and while we all e from different backgrounds and he yet toknow each other, I will do my best as the student representative to convey in afew words the excitement and anticipation that can be felt around campus as weare just starting as xin1fu4dan4ren2 and lao3wai4.

A crucialpart of our high expectations lies in the impression that Asia and inparticular China is today at a crossroad and that it is a necessary evolutionof the contemporary order that countries and regions further their relationswith this part of the world. As such, we students hope to reach a balanced andinclusive approach to foster prehension and harmonization between saidentities though classes at Fudan University. We are already full of gratitudeto academics and practionners who will be sharing their ideas and knowledgewith us. We are looking forwards to meaningful exchanges and conversations withexperts and our peers.

Adding tothis academic aspect, I think that another reason why we he been attracted todouble degrees, exchange years and such here at Fudan University is because we heall felt the relevance of our programs and by the end of the year, I am surethat we will be left with a newfound activism. By that I mean that wherever ourcareers leads us, the will to foster interaction among different cultures andto promote international cooperation will follow us for life. The opportunityto establish works among people who share monalities and interest, if notonly curiosity among each other is I think another very important aspect of ourlife this year that we are all looking forward to.

In thisspirit, I think that we all hope to grow new friendships, especially Chinesepeople, though the cultural and student life Fudan has to offer, to discoverthe city, this country and its incredible heritage. I promise you that we willtry our best not to let cultural misinterpretations and misconceptions affectour understanding of what is around us and of people who e to us. A genuineapproach such as the one that we are all hing here towards China that is, throughthe learning of Chinese language, blending with culture can only be the basisfor peace and understanding, and be it hard, living in such an environment canonly be a reminder to stay humble in from of diversity.

On these words, I hope for the best year ahead to all of us.











Thank you.



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