

01月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[初中开学典礼感受]晴空一鹤排云上,便引诗情到碧霄,在这五谷溢金,七色溢彩的丰收季节里,新学年的钟声已经敲响,站在开学典礼的操场上,大家有什么体会?来看下面: 初中开学典礼感受【1】 作为毛遂中学...+阅读














Good morning . Dear teachers and kids.

The weather in September is so nice. The field in September is full of life. During the harvest season ,we e back to school with confidence and diligence. First of all ,I d like to say : warmly wele to our school.

Dear children ,the new term means the new hope . In order to make the dream into reality, I think these following will help you.

First : to be a well behed student. Its important for all of you. We should follow the rules of the students and try to be honest , responsible,

and polite .

A perfect student in HuTai has great ambition, has a smart mind .with skillful hands . with a good style of conversation. We should win honour for our class and dormitory.

Secondly I hope you try to be a diligent student. your main task is to study hard at school. You must he heard many stories about 达芬奇 、华罗庚 and so on. The best time of the day is morning, we ought to he the morning reading as soon as we get to school. In class we pay attention to the teacher. We learn to find the problems and try to solve them. Remember :Never Put Off Until Tomorrow. Only such a student ,could lead to be successful. and such a campus is full of life.

Thirdly ,I hope you try to be capable and prehensive student. Nowadays , the 21st century is full of petition. It needs a lot of persons with ability. The knowledge from the book is far from the requirement. So we need to attend the interest groups. in spare time , after school ,lets do some reading and school activities. We are eager to

see your excellent positions on the magazines. For you see , our school is foreign language school ,English is the feature of the school. Its necessary for us to speak English as much as possible. Of course , a health body is the base of the growth ,now do some exercise and keep healthy.

Dear children ,the new term is just like the cover of the new book in the book , it is full of the hope and bless. I am sure you will learn a lot from the book. I am sure you will remember the stories in it. Dear children, the new term is a new point, lets make great efforts on it.



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