

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

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Basic information:

Name: : .fanwen51./

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: 1982.04.12

National: Han

Height: 170cm

Account where: Three Rivers Yanjiao Development Zone in Hebei

Current: Beijing Tongzhou

Graduate institutions: North China Institute of Science and Technology

Political landscape: the Chinese munist party members

Highest level of education: undergraduate

Repair by a professional: Automation

Talent type: fresh graduates

Job search intention:

Job type: Full-time or part-time

Position: puter work maintenance, work management, work operators

Hope Location: Beijing, Hebei

Wish to pay: Negotiable

Education and training experience:

September 2003 -2007 school year in July in the North China Institute of Science and Technology, Electronic Information Engineering, Automation, by degree.

Experience to participate in social practice:

2004.9 - 2006.10: puter assembly in the school repair, LAN management and maintenance. Installed dozens of units, puter maintenance over time; and is independent of the work has a firewall work system design and routine maintenance;

2005.12 - 2006.01: School e-laboratories in the design of the electrical assembly and the protection of the refrigerator design production, familiar with the performance of electronic ponents, matching and circuit board design, welding;

2006.02 - 2006.03: Linxi Kailuan Coal Mine in the practice visit, a large-scale production systems to understand the operation of the process, the management of large-scale factories and mines as well as the use of electricity for the maintenance of the system.

Language Proficiency:

4 through the national examination in English, with strong listening, speaking, reading and writing ability;

Able to read the puter, automation and related professional information in English.

puter capability:

Familiar with puter hardware, work architecture, work settings, there is a more prehensive knowledge of work systems, hardware-independent system installation, missioning and maintenance operations, skilled configure ro

uters, switches, servers and other work equipment, maintenance of puter works and office system and to carry out installation and missioning of diskless workstations. Good solution to a variety of local area work, as well as stand-alone software, hardware-related failures, and to a certain degree of work planning capabilities;

Familiar with the mainstream of the server operating system installation, configuration, maintenance, safety testing, understanding of Active Directory, and the installation of the management of DHCP, DNS, and IIS; erected configuration , FTP, E-mail, Tel, RAS, NNTP, VOD server, chat server , the proxy server. Skilled to make windows, UNIX / Linux system platform for a variety of applications. Of Virtual PC and Virtual Machine VMwawe Workstation also know something about it. In addition, VPN-virtual private work set up and configuration is also a certain understanding;

Familiar with the TCP / IP protocol, the Inter mechanisms, various types of routing protocols, WEB, and other services and software and hardware firewall technology, to work security he a better understanding;

Familiar with Dreamweer, Flash, Fireworks, Photoshop and other web page creation and image-processing software, familiar with the Html language, CSS style sheet, understanding ASP, SQL Server, he a certain ability to work design, to quickly create web pages.

Familiar with the C language, assembly language; familiar with EWB, Multisim, MAX + plus Ⅱ, Protel, as well as professional software Kiniew, electronic circuit simulation, programmable electronic system design and printed circuit board design;


I he been frank, and good humor he stronger munication, coordination, and people doing things well has a strong sense of teamwork and collective sense of honor, professionalism is more good, service awareness and a strong sense of responsibility work. Strong sense of learning, he a strong desire for knowledge, initiative and hard work, good at study, study. Learning seriously hard, solid and stable work.




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