

12月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[地雷战观后感150字]地雷战观后感150字,地雷战是一部具有教育意义的电影,地雷战观后感150字怎么写,下面带来地雷战观后感150字范文,欢迎阅读。 地雷战观后感150字[1] 今天,我和爸爸一起看了爱国主义...+阅读

y Channel aims its latest TV movie,Camp Rock,right at the tween sweet spot.Rock is the breakout vehicle for Demi Lovato,who starred on the works As the Bell Rings but more marketably,it features the drastically popular sibling teen-idol band the Jonas Brothers.The supporting campers are played by still more Disney Channel kids and everyone dances and sings lame and/or ridiculously catchy tunes by Hannah Montana and HSM songwriters.

Close your eyes after staring directly at Camp Rock,and youll see thousands of tiny mouse ears.

If youve seen any of these movies before,you can probably guess the plot from the title.Rocker Shane Gray (lead singer Joe Jonas) has bee so egotistical,his bandmates (Nick and Kevin Jonas,playing it Monkees-style light in their few scenes) insist he return to earth by counseling at the place that launched them:Camp Rock.Meanwhile,regular girl Mitchie (Lovato,who has the knee-jerk smile of someone who is often told she has a great smile) is attending camp only because her mom is the staff cook.Insecure Mitchie soon finds herself lying about her humble life and suppressing her lovely voice in order to befriend the resident Mean Girl (Meaghan Jette Martin),a falsity that threatens Mitchies burgeoning friendship with Shane.

Lying about who you are and refusing to let your awesomeness shine are big Disney no-nos.(Big ironic Disney no-nos,considering Hannah Montana is about a girl who lies about her superstar alter ego,pretending instead to be erage.) The likable High School Musical was all about Troy and Gabriellas bre decisions seriously,they did seem bre to be true to themselves,ignore their respective cliques,and sing.The strange and objectionable thing about Camp Rocks morality tale is that no one makes an outright decision to be bre,to be better.Mitchie admits her mom is the cook only because shes cornered,and Mean Girl gets sweeter only because she flubs her big routine.Humiliation shouldnt be the motivating factor for self-improvement,but the takes myriad such shortcuts:Shane proves hes not a jerk because he helps a clumsy drummer dance.Mitchie and Shane launch a romance in which neither says anything charming but they both laugh like they did (though Joe Jonas admittedly gives Zac Efron a run in the chaste-soulful-stare department).Certainly,these Disney concoctions tend to be broad-stroked theyre a lively bridge between cartoons and Gossip Girl.But Camp Rock is so rigidly formulaic,so unremarkable,that by the time the cast sings its finale,We Rock, its hard to agree.



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