

01月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[地雷战观后感150字]地雷战观后感150字,地雷战是一部具有教育意义的电影,地雷战观后感150字怎么写,下面带来地雷战观后感150字范文,欢迎阅读。 地雷战观后感150字[1] 今天,我和爸爸一起看了爱国主义...+阅读

如果是书就是book review


feeling after watching (the film/movie/drama etc.)

名词 Impression and feeling after a visit or watching a film; also an article expressing ones feelings.



I just finished an article about my impressions of the play and he mailed it to the periodical office

when we say that Forrest Gump is a lucky guy, i think most of u may think that he is so lucky to escape much trouble , but the LUCK is that he is so lucky to he such a good mother by my means.

remember ?what his mother said at her last time in the world? its my time , its just my time. oh,now, dont u be afraid ,sweetheart? death is just a part of life, something were all destined to do. i didnt no it.but i was destined to be ur mother, and i did the best i could. yes ,she did!

i just could hold tears when i watched this part, and once heared someone life is like a box of chocolates, u never no what u r gonna get, the first pict flashed in my mind is Gumps mother , a lovly woman, a kind hearted mother!!

so , next time when u watch the movie, remember that whether u r born healthy or not , whether u born in poor family or rich , whether u win ur life or lose, there allways be a woman stand behind u ,supporting u ,encourging u 。


Tribute to Forrest GumpA brilliant story of a supposedly erage joe, that provides a snapshot of the modern history of the United States, Forrest Gump is truly a timeleclassic. The first time I saw this movie, I immediately fell in love with the main character, the story as it incorporated major historical events into the plot in a ic fashion, the subtle nuances of human bonds and relationships that effortlessly withstand the tests of time, and the wonderfully arranged soundtrack that boasts some the biggest hits of the 1960s and 70s. Add to this some exceptional acting by Tom Hanks, Robin Wright-Penn, Sally Field, Gary Sinise and the rest of the talented cast, and this picture had Oscar written all over it. I he loved this movie since the first time that I saw it, and I can watch it another couple of hundred of times.Speaking of watching this movie again, I happened to catch it on TV the other day and once again I found myself riveted to the tube. This time around, I seem to he been paying particular attention to the lifelong relationship that Forrest and Jenny share, and to me, its a very special kind of bond that these two characters share. In spite of the numerous separations and the individual lives that they end up leading, they are truly inseparable; their destinies are intertwined. And, as much of a pragmatic, cynical realist as I consider myself, the undying love that Forrest has for Jenny always makes my eyes well up. The si-mp-le beauty, or the beauteous simplicity of Forrests love shows up every time his path crosses hers; when he goes to her dorm and ses her from the guy shes seeing at the time, when he goes to see her onstage rendition of Joan Baez and he ses her from the raucous marines, or when shes with the abusive boyfriend whos in cahoots with the Black Panthers. Even when she shows up at his doorstep, he weles her with open arms and proceeds to ask her if shell marry him. He thinks of her when shes not around, and his world es alive when hes with her. That, to me, is a beautiful story of love. Love, that goes beyond any definition or expression any human being can give it. Thats what I want in my life, as cold-hearted and gre as I can be at times.This depiction of this pure emotion is as close to perfect as it can possibly be. And this is one of the reasons that I like this movie. Each time I watch it, I find something else that I missed the time before. A must-see if you hent seen it before。



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