

01月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文绕口令]英文绕口令 1. A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies 2. I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw. 3. Betty...+阅读


By half a month to prepare and work together for three consecutive days, this activity, whether sales or orders are among the best.

Whether it is the market, peers or consumers he won a very good reputation, over the pletion of the expected sales, to enhance the teams confidence, encouraging the role of morale.

In view of the next phase of work to promote and perfect, and strive to make progress every time, to summarize experience for discussion and learning the lesson at all learn a lesson.

This summary is divided into three sections according to the time span: the preparation stage, the promotion stage and the end stage.

First, the preparation stage

Preparation stage, in general, a bit hasty, the relative of the other brands of a bit more detailed.

This stage will (area, city decoration, store) - ring, (promotion, work) - online, (personnel, material, price, product line) -- inner and inferior aspects to try to explain this promotion achievements and shortings.

munity level:

Beginning at the end of the month will he a large promotional activities.

In the middle of a continuous track, from the scene, in the end the effect is difficult to define.

But the early storage consciousness to establish munity activities to promote; (not too obvious, follow up the basis needs to be improved, the work anization to keep up with the established model of the woodworking designer must advance off channel maintenance.

Decoration city level:

Decorate the city level mainly directed at the activities of the main venue, for two is the two wing bean and wear a style of antique ash.

Not only has the effect of pement atmosphere, to experience the scene of stampede, and related to the event (the fluke, printing was originally used in the store.

Decorate the city not to use it in the venue, formed with the theme of tents a very atmospheric, hand also shows that in the decoration of the city are also relatively deficient, on the other hand, some things did not municate well in advance, where city decoration can be used in those places can not be used without good munication, those materials can borrow those materials must be no good munication, a lot of chairs and table cloth can be used, do not he to buy).

Plus, easel, X display, bags, folding table and ordered carvings, pen, the whole scene arrangement, atmosphere and surrounding each other.

Advance and decorate the city to municate, to achieve the goal is, in the main venue T character set next to the experience area.

(the shortage is: after laying, no scattered model, a kind of color and no certain series; special offer price stickers, stickers, then fill the on-site personnel; drinking bottled water was later on; the chair did not sign without adequate preparation; Taiwan, the official is not enough;)

Store level:

Movement of the single, the promotion of the climax of the event played a great role.

In particular, two days before the event, the first of all staff to carry out activities of training, interpretation of the contents of the event to pay attention to the details;

Secondly, the image of the store made substantial changes (neat and enormousdiversity), the price tag all unified, unified, special offer all the tags in place, X display layout (wood carving, easel, gifts like silk, bags), store banners, stickers advertising, small outdoor inkjet, store page, DM hanging flags, furnishings, furnishings and other sample pictures are in place.

(can also strengthen the layout, such as balloon arches and banners; wele Pro promote and fruit to eat into the store, there is a small gift; for several large empty containers in container with large gift or prize, the best use of calligraphy, if printed in red and yellow font.

Choose formal generous font specifications at least 1m*1m).

Propaganda level:

The propaganda layer includes newspaper soft text, short message platform and the following work platform (proposed separately).

Newspapers should be sent for half a month in advance, only one week in advance; SMS platform should be a week in advance, the only one day in advance (content: buy floor can se up to M2 * * * * yuan! Longan first * * * * yuan.

Prsident at the annual limit price of only three days a month on a * * * * * * City decoration shop phone 00000000); no other work key support, other media did not focus on support.

In the decoration of the city outer ring, no arches, banners, flags, flag, stickers and other corresponding form, decoration to the city terminal intercept problem.

President of signings and related activities, part of the resources to win the market;

work level:

For this activity, did not do publicity, for each cell QQ group or lack of understanding, soft and hard wide to be improved.

Person in charge of the work to promote the lack of talent.

(the next step is to give the * * * * * to do the detailed training.

A persons hair is limited, we must establish a strict mechanism for the use of the store to track.

Can refer to a web site, and so on.

Personnel level:

Relatively adequate overall personnel

(so, so and so, so and so, so and so, in charge of the shop), (such and such, so and so, so and so, in charge of the venue), Pro 2 (responsible for the entry of people to intercept).

(venue staff understanding of the material and the price is not very thorough; Pro promote no formal training activities on a lack of understanding, the number can be increased to 5, the door 1 responsible for image display, on the third floor of 2 separate people responsible for interception, 2 stores were responsible for reception and presentation and image display, 5 people formed a a road map;) must enhance the ability to intercept personnel, if the conditions can add 3 to 5 placards in the market parade.

(there are businesses with human body painting to attract the attention of the eye.

Material preparation:

Material preparation, including the special board of the factory support (restructuring), the day of the activities of the support (semi -).


First, the promotion of the anizers: * * * supermarket

Two, promotion theme: May Day return to the munity

Three, the market effect: according to the staff, the effect is significant, erage daily three hundred people

Four, analysis of the promotional activities

Changdachang supermarket is a large supermarket chain in Zhanjiang City, Leizhou changdachang supermarket is a sub supermarket.

It has more than and 200 employees, the 51 golden week, a large supermarket promotional activities, the staff of the 1/3 into the 51 activities, according to the person in charge.

The supermarket to improve consumer groups in the mouth with this activity, at the same time to grasp a large number of sales of the golden week, made the initiative and advantageous in byI supermarket petition.

The promotion activities are divided into three categories


Site special sales:

There are five major categories of on-site sales, including cosmetics, daily necessities, electrical appliances, beverages, furniture, furniture, and so on.

Cosmetics manufacturers mainly directly send promotional staff and supermarket staff responsible for daily necessities is the price tag, TV, air conditioning and other household appliances price and gift with vice products, all kinds of drinks are lower than usual price, all the furniture 20 percent off.


Promotional items

The supermarket with each of the sponsors of the car and into the supermarket delivery * advertising products (cosmetics and daily necessities) and leaflets.


Live draw

Lottery approach and prizes more flexible, winning rate of 100%, the use of various types of products to promote the deformation.


I through the observation and understanding of the day, I feel that this activity is relatively successful, but from my personal point of view, there are still some deficiencies.

I will talk about my views from the following points



In view of the use of words and some advertising is not very good, should be changed into a consumer perspective, advertising the bottom music should be suitable for the majority of consumers in mind, through different blocks to put different music.


Employee motivation

51 golden week passenger volume increases, the working time will be longer, there will be some negative employees.

State regulations should be an increase of three times the staff grants, according to the staff said, just according to the usual wage processing fees, there is a bag to eat a meal.

Therefore, the enthusiasm of the staff directly affect the promotion effect.


Enhance petitiveness

A establish innovation system, strengthen the construction of their own quality, so that the hardware clearance, software in place.

B sound management system.

Good management system is the guarantee of a variety of strategies and the successful implementation of the program, and it is also the guarantee of continuous success of the enterprise.

Strive to do the supermarket division of labor to the fine, the right and duty, supervision and effective.

C perfect training system.

Modern enterprise is mainly based on people, excellent staff is the key to the survival and development of enterprises.

The supermarket should improve the education and training system and welfare of employees, the establishment of enterprise employee training system first, municate effectively with employees, people do not equal, unoidably, education timely, rewards and punishments.

D make full use of marketing concept.

To release employees ideological baggage, grasp the reception and handling of customer plaints, actively explore the market, consolidate the market.

E pletes the log, the month will work.

Management must report the daily work status and the occurrence and treatment of emergencies.

Supermarkets should also hold regular staff meeting, sum up experience, staff motivation, development goals and so on.



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