

02月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[简单小学英语绕口令]简单小学英语绕口令[1] She said she should sit. She sells sea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure. Shut up the shutters and...+阅读



learning summary

a month had gone, but i felt that my gains were very little.

in this month, i read some documents whose topics were labor relations, i found that a lot of were very similar, and some of them were so difficult that i could not understand them.

at present, the labor relations in our country is not very harmonious, especially when the contract law had changed.

i think the main problems the about labor relations are as follows: firstly, it is that the quality and legal awareness of the bosses and staffs were not very high, because of these a lot of disputes had happened.

secondly, the laws in our country were not overall, as a result, the numbers of the contradictions were increased.

thirdly, the government did not respect for the law enforcement, in some provinces, the government did not given the enterprises who had did some wrong things in order to their rapid economic development.

i will spend a lot of time on them next month.

in this month, i got up at 6:40am and read english about an hour every morning.

besides this, i spent more than an hour on listening to the new concept english .

my english is very poor, i hope that i can improve my oral and listening english according to these.

at last, i think that i he not found a correct way to carry out my study, i must change this situation timely.


Year-end is a good time to review your programs to get them ready for the next year.

Typically, this time of year things slow down due to the holidays you might he some time to focus on the remendations below.

Year-end Recap

It is critical that you develop a year-end recap and send it out to as many people as possible.

This will let then know your successes as well as challenges in the past year.

You can use this to brag about the successes, which can lead to more support as well as budget.

In addition, by outlining the challenges you may be able to motivate others to help and or make appropriate changes within their teams that will help you prevent

these problems.

Annual Traffic Sales Review

Reviewing your inbound traffic and conversions across the year to look for trends or new phrases is a great opportunity to identify new markets, keywords or countries that may he been overlooked in the monthly reviews.

When you look at the trends over an entire year you can often find months that are higher or lower than normal and can adjust your annual or quarterly plans to maximize these spikes.

Keyword Glossaries

Often overlooked are panys localization glossaries.

These are master lists of word pairs that are used in machine translation and translation management tools.

Throughout the year,you may he done a lot of

keyword research and modeling that may need to be added to the glossary as well as words replaced with those which he more demand or better match searchers intent.

If any new products were added this year, they should be added to the glossary as well to make sure that the most relevant versions are integrated.

Site-Wide Diagnostics

Due the holidays at the end of the year, your workload may decrease giving time to review and clean up many of the mon errors that accumulate in Google and Bing Webmaster tools.

New Year/New Tactics Lunch Learn

Schedule a variety of lunch and learns with your various teams to update them on any new techniques and updates like oiding Panda penalties.

It is often good to update any new employees that were added in the past few moths on the best practices they may not be aware of.

End Of Life Products

Especially if you managing search for a large pany you should meet with the product teams to identify products that are no longer sold.

It is mon in larger panies and especially in consumer electronics that

as product reach their end of life for marketing they are removed from the site.

While they are no longer sold, they are still being used by consumers that will need replacement parts, services and hopefully upgrades.

You can create a hybrid page that represents these options for

consumers and replace the previous product page to allow you to continue to capture those still interested in your products.

Any of these can help find nuggets of opportunities that will help you look good in the first quarter.

It will also help you to make budget justifications and support additional headcount or agency budgets for specific roles.

Most importantly, you should he a good idea of the overall progress and what opportunities you he for improvement in the new year.



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