

01月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文绕口令]英文绕口令 1. A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies 2. I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw. 3. Betty...+阅读



Over the past year, I can study marxism-leninism and MAO zedong thought and deng xiaoping theory, implement 16 big and the third plenary session of 16th national congress spirit, positive practical three representatives, according to party member standard strict with himself in the thoughts, industrious, bears the burden of responsibility on the job, in the style of hard work and plain living, WuZhen realistic, better to plete the tasks arranged by leaders and departments at all levels.

For hospital puter lab, dedication to work hard and main report is as follows:


In thinking, study deng xiaoping theory earnestly, grasp the partys 16 big and the third plenary session of 16th national congress spirit, use of television, puters, newspapers, magazines and other media pay close attention to domestic and international situation, the partys basic knowledge and political thought relevant papers, books, deeply understand general secretary hu jintaos speech spirit, and make it as the platform of thought, a guide to action, keep firmly in mind the purpose of serving the people, understand what they shoulder the responsibility; Actively participate in the construction at the grass-roots level, should play an exemplary role in the work, make broad worker example, at the same time, study hard business knowledge, improve their theoretical level and prehensive quality.



On the job, work around the center of the hospital puter lab, reference standards, who, better finish the task.

This year is mainly finished the following work:


1, help software engineers in our medical system (nurse station, hospital outpatient service charge, warehouse, pharmacy) test, found bugs that exist in the system for many times, help the perfect medical system and plete development smoothly.


2, anize training nurses and other related departments, to the operation of the new medical system through training after all his rades can skilled operating the new medical system, make the hospital work efficiency has greatly improved.


3, in a timely manner to understand the puter use of each department, timely tracking server and work operation, timely to antivirus, software and maintenance; Timely for maintenance and repair the printer.


4, for the new program for tracking and maintenance found timely solve, oid unnecessary errors caused by the failures of the system.



On the style, can ZunZhangShouJi, unity colleagues, WuZhen realistic, optimistic and aspirant, remain serious and meticulous work attitude and working style, diligent, hard-working.

In life carries forward the hardships and stand hard work, hard work and plain living, hardworking and thrifty helpful tradition of excellence, always do an honest person, work diligently, industrious and simple life, always remember the responsibility and obligation, strict with oneself, at any time to play an exemplary role.



The direction of future efforts: with the progress and development, the hospital can expect our work will be more onerous, requirement is higher, to master the knowledge of higher and more widely.

For this, I will be more hard work, hard study, efforts to improve the culture quality and various skills, to make due contributions to the hospital.


The year-end summary of classical rhetoric popular


张涛(化名)刚参加工作不久,一直表现优异,几天前第一次参与起草单位 年终总结,却挨了不少批评。


“虽然总结后来被老同事改得面目全非,但看起 来‘高大上’了许多。


How to write a year-end summary pretty well bee a lot of the newbies pain of the heart.

Zhang (not his real name) just to work soon, he been well, a few days ago for the first time to participate in the drafting unit Year-end summary, has got a lot of criticism.

He didnt know I ask a colleague, their year-end summary too reality, less rhetoric is not in conformity with the template.

Although summary was later old colleague changed beyond recognition, but look to a lot of tall.

Zhang says.


记者采访发现,一些总结套话如 “万金油”般可在多个单位、类型的年终总结中使用,可使本来刻板无趣的总结变得引人入胜,受到“偷懒派”和“拖延症患者”的广泛追捧。

Some izens on the of the year-end summary of writing techniques, said rhetoric is necessary, in addition, the length should be long enough, the data to intuitive, with a good serial number, get a lot of thumb up.

Reporters found that some summarizes the rhetoric like tiger balm can be used in multiple units and type of year-end summary, can make originally rigid boring summary bee fascinating, lazy and procrastination widely sought after.




Inventory, found that under the leadership to guide and care, support and closely cooperate with the help of the colleagues, through their own efforts.

What might be called a classic lines of traditional rhetoric, although look is all useless, but is applicable to any type of work, belong to the universal rhetoric.

In short, where all cant be wrong, can use.

A izen said.


一些网友认为,很多年终总结 都喜欢在时间上做文章,既显文采,又不离主题,如时光飞逝,光阴似箭,岁月如梭,转眼间一年又过去了,时光如白驹过隙……”等,绝对是文艺小清新范的“最爱”。

Talk about year-end summary classic beginning, looking back a year, with and review for one year of work, both has the defects of his harvest the classic of classics.

Some izens think, a lot of year-end summary is like at the time, both literary grace, with the theme, such as time flies, time flies, time flies, a year passed by again in a twinkling of an eye, the time like a blink.



And so on, is the small pure and fresh and fans love .


The year-end summary cannot be the same







He a friend in a certain unit of office work, responsible for the year-end summary, review work.

Tell him the truth, no matter their unit summary of individual or department, take out this year pared with last year and the year before, from form to content is almost the same, change is one of the Numbers, and the majority of the year-end summary about achievement bombastic, repeatedly, about faults but slide over these,.

Some problems existing in the year-end summary for even said nothing, so that the year-end summary was BaiGong spectrum.

Whats more, some people simply through the work search, download a ready-made summarizes the job finished.

So, it is not hard to understand why we all units and departments of year-end summary is always the same, or is established format, no innovation, no development, no your own things.

Imagine that the year-end summary of how many old meaning?



Year-end summary has bee a mere formality, the same year after year, the author think that there are two reasons: one is the parties dont seriously, think they should do the work done, it is not necessary to write on the paper show, so with writing the year-end report.

i hasty to cope with.

2 it is unit the leadership to subordinate the year-end summary of busy, even if employees in the conclusion put forward rational Suggestions and ideas, but even the leadership will not see at all, let alone get the appreciation of leadership and adopted.



In the New Year, the old year gone, everyones experience is different, every year working condition is different, every year will he different profit and loss.

Therefore, we need think seriously about writing the year-end report.

i, seriously, want to see results already, to extract experience, also want to find, learn from them, the year-end summary writing process into a process of self reflection, self education.


Changed rhetoric abuse or make the year-end summary flour



In a work unit Wang Yao (not his real name) to be responsible for drafting department every year year-end summary, she believes that the rhetoric in the year-end summary was hard to oid, rhetoric is empty, but everyone has heard the in the mind also can get by.

And the truth sometimes hard to oid harm, are colleagues, a see report filled with bad sector says he is not, can not dislike?


People interviewed said the year-end summary should be about one years work or study systematic carding, analysis and evaluation is a good time to should include grades, the content of the experience and lessons, but some unit evaluation criteria for summary is to see the result isnt enough to write up, enough weight, whats the main problem as to whether there is any problem, just dont want to mention.




Although get directions after year-end summary smoothly, but still think zhang, rhetoric is good, hard to oid the lack of new idea.

Year-end summary is not only a work task, but also records, bing the work and harvest year, sum up not only means the end, but a new start, to summarize experience and lessons of the past year, again, for even greater success in the ing year.

He said.




Year-end summary, in fact, pays great attention to the form is too hard to oid some of the taste, and the smell of year-end summary is a big waste of manpower, material resources.

Some of the unit in order to pass the summary from the superior department, pay big money, big strength to packaging of year-end summary, Im afraid that the actual role of few and far between.

A not to be named said civil servants at the grass-roots level.


Year-end summary should not be just looks very beautiful



Wang Tong (not his real name) work for a private pany in Beijing, in her opinion, individual year-end summary is not only to their look, but also to lead.

Well done is to write well, to strive for the boss when their loved ones, a good to he chewed it a year of work performance, the journey, no credit also he hard work, informative, genuine, he could be moved.


Inner Mongolia agricultural university, dean of humanities and social zhi-yi gai said, year-end summary of proliferation of words, rhetoric phenomenon is actually a manifestation of formalism and bureaucracy, reflect only, not only for the real morbid psychology, the practical significance of the year-end summary, not a summary of the gain and loss of experience, the reflection and plan for the future.




Experts believe that the four winds work should be further deepened, for those who write the form, content, flowery hollow summary units should provide accountability, transformation of such abuses.

In addition, in the work should focus on implementation, pay attention to seeking truth from facts.

Both to the end of the year than to say well, also want to good job in the future, let look beautiful year-end summary are actually implemented in the daily work.



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