

01月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Its about assimilation into American culture, and not assimilation in anInternational city, like SF or NY or LA or Chicago, but St. Louis, MO (actually shot there). Really great acting, interesting story

Gua Sha is a treatment in traditional oriental medicine in which a wooden board repeatedly slides across the patients acupuncture acupressure massage points. It works in similar principles like that of acupuncture acupressure massage. This method would inevitably lee bruise on the skin, and the story

begins here, when the visiting grandpa who does not speak any English used this traditional practice to treat the grandson when both son and daughter-in-law were at work.

Sadly, in US, this is a story that repeats itself many times in the area where many oriental immigrants lives and all of these are due to simple misunderstanding between cultures.Gua Sha: Step-by-Step, by Arya Nielsen.If an acupuncturist is trained in Classical Chinese medicine, they will do this technique in their practice for pain, and for acute or chronic illness.


阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUST RUNS. 他跑步不为任何理由。他说:人要往前看,千万不要被过去拖累。我想我跑步就是这个意义和过去告别,不停留在原处。也许这世界上太多人随拨逐流,很少人会坚持做一件事,阿甘坚持自己的坚持,于是他成了神。影片中还有一位主要人物是上校丹。他在越南战争中失去了双腿。他说他的命运就是战死。


Mr. A Gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, JUST RUNS. He said: Man has t look forward, and never encumbered by foretime. I thank thats the meaning of my running. Say goodbye to foretime and dont stay in-place. Although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing,Mr. A Gan does and bees GOD. There is another character Captain Dan. Dan lost his legs in Vietnarm War. He said that his fate is death in war.

However, Mr. A Gan sed him and let him be alive. After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, plaining that A Gan shouldnt se him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with A Gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gans help. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always after cloud. The key point is that whether we he a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. The movie is also sent such a message to us: do well what we should do, and life will return us well. There will be a miracle if only there is perseverance.





The feedback ofthe day after tomorrow

This is my second time to see the day after tomorrow. The first time, and many others, I see the contradiction between human and nature, environmental pollution, energy deficiency. How stupid human are, and human is so small in the disaster. Then, I think more about how to protect the environment and se energy to oid this situation happens.

But this time, I didnt see the film from environment, but from the human. I saw peoples affection, friendship and love in the face of death, serious work and dedication, and some people is fatuous and ignorant in the face of scientific.

The time, I really feel what is responsibility, what is persist, what is mitment. In many cases, we do not need to go to the principle of the so-called persistent on the way of things. Some critical moment, we he to give up some minor things, only know how to choose can do anything more perfect.



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