[关于同学的好词好句]★ 她,一张白净的瓜子脸,眉毛弯得像月亮,眼睛又亮又黑,像发亮的黑珍珠,鼻子有点儿翘,嘴巴不大不小,黑里带黄的头发上扎着一条粗粗的辫子。 她,一位活泼、天真、可爱,整天笑嘻嘻的小姑...+阅读
My Classmate Ye, one of my classmates, also my best friend, is a nice 友好的guy. He is also quiet and busy with his study. He is good at maths and English. Meanwhile, he is also quite handsome and attracts many girls. To be honest, 坦白的说,I'm a little jealous of his excellence优秀. I'm good at sports but study is nothing but impossible for me. 学习对我来说简直是不可能完成的事。I'm extrovert and talkative. It seems we cannot be good friends since we are so different in personality.我们性格上太不同了。However, we are best friends. He always help me with my study so patiently. I learn quite a lot from him. His intelligence and his ways of thinking inspire me. Sometimes, I even feel that he is like my elder brother. He is so gentle and knowledgeable博学的. Meanwhile, I try to encourage him to do sports since he is so thin and weak. Right now he likes playing table tennis and learns to play snooker 斯诺克. Snooker is quite suitable for him since he is level-headed冷静的 and smart. With his help, I also improve in my study greatly. Classmates call us brothers and we accept it gladly. 欣然接受。 In fact, he is my brother in my life. Sometimes I think we can be lifetime friends. He is such a nice boy that I can talk with him about everything I hide in my heart. His sorrows and problems are also my concerns. 给的背景材料太少,我都不知道你是大学还是高中,所以,写这么点给你参考参考。
新同学的好词好句这学期开学的第二天,老师让我和她坐同桌。开始我没在意,一个黄毛丫头,哪能比得上我堂堂男子汉。 第二天,下午放学时,我因在操场上玩耍,不慎将语文书弄丢了。我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,...
描写同学的好词好句1)描写人物外貌的词语 虎头虎脑 眉清目秀 面红耳赤 白净柔嫩 满面红光 满头银发 目光炯炯 双目如潭 火眼金睛 浓眉大眼 慈眉善目 气宇轩昂 高大魁梧 英姿飒爽 衣着得体 (2)描...
助人为乐的同学好词好句呵呵,你不会是学生吧?马上要月考了,祝你考个好成绩。 下面是例句: 快乐,是人生中最为美丽的彩虹。快乐使人幸福,得到快乐的方式多种多样,我的快乐就是——帮助别人。 助人为乐,乃中...
写我的家乡作文要用的好词好句好词摘抄: 鸟语花香、山清水秀、如诗如画、绿水环绕、鱼米之乡、湖光山色、民风淳朴 好句摘抄: 1、我的家乡不仅美丽,而且富饶。家乡盛产优质稻米和丰富的水产资源,因而有“渔米...
我的家乡好词好句因为您没有奉上原文,我也就只能为你奉上相关的句子,请参考! 1、我的家乡,虽然没有泰山那样雄伟的峰峦,也没有香山那样死活的枫叶,但他四季风光如画,谁见了都会赞叹不已! 2、傍晚,落日...
描写同学的好词好句好段虎头虎脑 眉清目秀 面红耳赤 白净柔嫩 衣着得体 眉开眼笑 破涕为笑 捧腹大笑 笑逐颜开 满面春风 他的眉毛时而紧紧地皱起,眉宇间形成一个问号;时而愉快地舒展,像个感叹号。 她...
我的大学高尔基好词好句展开1全部 1 我站在轮船的船尾,望着她在码头栏板的旁边,一只手画十字,另一只手用一条破旧披肩擦脸,乌黑的眼睛闪烁着光芒,充满了对人们无法遏止的爱。2 我已经学会幻想,去经历非凡...