

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[高中周记300字]高中周记300字 (一) 明天上午要进行高二段的生物于斯证模拟会考,心里很没有底,想好好复习却又不知道从哪开始,难道真的要不及格了吗?连会考都通不过还考什么高考?神啊!救救我吧!上午...+阅读



《我的爷爷(My Grandfather)》

My grandfather is over sixty. He looks younger than his real age. He was a policeman before his retirement. He has a positive attitude towards his later years of life. He does physical exercises every morning. He can read books without wearing glasses. He is so strong that he is able to lift hey things by himself.

He loves children very much. Every Monday afternoon he is invited to a nearby school to tell stories to the children about the life and work of the policemen. All the young pupils love him very much.



《军训(Military training)》

We he just finished our military training.I he to admit that I he so much feelings to express! This has been the first time for me to get in touch with my new school.No doubt it has left a good impression in my mind.It has a beautiful scenery and a good environment for study as well,especially equipped with many advanced facilities. I feel very happy to study here.During the training period,I had experienced a great hardship due to the hot weather and severe trainers.With time passed by,I gradually adapted to everything and felt myself much more strong to the hardship we faced.Furthermore, there was a lot of fun during the training. I has enjoyed a good relationship with my new classmates.Now that the training is over, I still he learned a lot which can benefit my life in the future. I can't wait any more to start my new life in high school.



《我的一个朋友(A Friend of Mine)》

I he several friends. Wang Lin is my best friend. He is eleven years old. He es from Beijing.

Wang Lin came here three years ago. He came with his parents. His father is an engineer and his mother is a middle school teacher. He has no brothers or sisters. He is the only child of his parents.

We are classmates at school, so we see much of each other.He is fond of English and I am good at maths. We always help each other. Both of us he made GREat proGREss in our studies.

We he made up our minds to study harder and win still GREater success in our studies.



《夕阳(A Sunset)》

the sunset is very beautiful and lovely. Its scene is as wonderful as a sunrise but it is even more beautiful to watch it in the country than in the city.

When the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the GREen fields. the clouds in the sky also begin to glow with a golden light, and the mountains are really colourful.

When the sun begins to set behind the mountain, it looks like a red ball. Its light fills the sky and changes the colour of the clouds from gold to red. When the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the clouds turn GREy and the mountains bee black.

then you cannot help admiring the wonder of nature.



《难忘的一天(A Day to Remember)》

It was Sunday. Our teacher Mr Zhu led us to a park nearby.Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday. But today we went there to take part in voluntary labour.

We got there at nine o’clock. Mr Zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working.

the students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers. the studentsin Group Two were busy collecting litter left by the tourist. they also cleaned the benches in the park. I was in Group Three. We went to the children’s playground and cleaned all the equipment there. We worked very hard.

At about eleven we finished working. We met at the gate of the park. We all felt tired but very happy.


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