

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[与月有关的写景抒情作文初中600字!]不知什麽时候,阵阵的蝉鸣渐渐安静了;不知什麽时候,片片的绿叶悄悄枯黄了;不知什麽时候,徐徐的凉风轻轻的来访了.不知不觉中,夏带著热情,暑气完美落幕,秋领著凉爽,惬意隆重登场 ——...+阅读

Dear sister:my name is Lihua,I am a middle school student,I do well in all of my subjects,I like to talk with my classmates about everything that I am interested in and I am always ready to help others when they are in trouble ,but I have a problem that my deskmate is a hardworking girl,she studies hard and she is the top ten student in our class ,but she does't like to talk with me ,she likes keeping quiet and never says anything to anybody,and sometimes she loses temper,I find it difficult to communite with her,I am worried about this ,what should I do ?could you please give me some good suggestions dealing with this problem?I am looking forward to your replying soon.

yours sincerely



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