

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[顺其自然借景抒情联想的结尾!初中生作文]相濡以沫不如相望江湖青青子衿,悠悠我心眇眇孤舟游,绵绵归思纡,望云惭高鸟,临水愧游鱼风乍起,吹皱一池春水落霞与孤骛齐飞,秋水共长天一色人游走在景物中,不断找寻自己的面影. 群星...+阅读

Learning English is very enjoyable.When I learn English,I feel proud of myself when I can recite a article .Also when I learn a word ,I will feel happy.Meanwhile ,when you put your heart into English, you will find English is full of fun,and you will love it.

When it comes to how to learn English,I think there are too many ways. For example ,watching English movies and listen to English songs.Words are very important ,so you should spend more time learning words.What is more ,talking in English as more as possible is necessary .

But as a saying goes ,every coin has two sides.In the process of learning English ,you will feel very disappointed.You will find it is very hard to learn a new word,and reciting an article is difficult too.

You have to repeat,repeat and repeat, and it is very tasteless.


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