

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[雅思要怎么准备呢]你好,一定要好好利用剑桥4—8来按时的练习听力和阅读! 听力:争取听3遍以上,没事了就听真题,对于你熟悉语境和语速,内容很有帮助。听力原文最好可以看看,里面的一些小词都是很有可能...+阅读

经典雅思写作高分词组短语1.用?武装某人 Equip sb with sth

例句:We should equip ourselves with various skills


经典雅思写作高分词组短语2.优先考虑? Give priority to…

例句:Parents always give priority to their children's future development


经典雅思写作高分词组短语3.使?为?做准备 Prepare sb for sth

例句:Studying a wide range of subjects will prepare students for their future employment

经典雅思写作高分词组短语4?是?不可或缺的一部分 ? is an indispensable part of…

例句:At present, advertising has become an indispensable part of our daily lives and it has been exerting (施加) profound influence on the way we live and work


经典雅思写作高分词组短语5. 清晰地认识到? 不清楚?

Get a clear perspective of… Lack a clear perspective of

例句:Self-selection is the best way for students to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives



对?有更开阔的视野 Draw on…

Have a broader view of…

例句:Students who spend some time traveling to other places have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on



求批雅思G类小作文反对机场扩建总体结构安排合理,具体的我就一句一句的细批了。"Let's take a hard critical look at your letter."原文:I am writing to complain about the plan which intents to expand t...

请帮忙修改一下这个雅思G类小作文感谢信Dear Sue,I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for assisting me to be prepared for my new terms.(term)As you know, the city of Ottawa, which I will s...

雅思小作文线图交叉点如何描述?哎呦我勒个去,考完一个月啥都给忘了。我回去找了以下笔记,还真没有交叉点的固定句式。我自己也不敢跟你瞎说(我作文提升了以后就6.0- -!) 你可以描述the percentage of ...was......

雅思作文你认为进博物馆应该收费吗第一句 tool that have been。。应该是 tool has been comprehensively。so many argue 最好many后面+个名词,比如people。第二段中间 other than the knowledge from textbo...

雅思作文提高:7分写作范文之博物馆有什么用Some people think that museums should beenjoyable places to entertain people, while othersbelieve that the purpose of museums is to educate. Discuss both views...

雅思图表作文题真题!雅思A类图表作文题写作精华提炼分析精华雅思写作技巧.数据图: 一、介绍段introduction: 介绍段内容几乎完全不用创新,就是对题目文字部分的第二段做改写,paraphrase therubric。...

雅思写作常用的高分句型有哪些雅思写作常用高分句式 We should spare no effort to beautify our environment. 我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。 Although this view is wildly held,this is little...

雅思写作如何才能写出高分句型雅思写作,我推荐给你一本书呀慎小嶷老师的 十天突破雅思写作我不是媒子哦,我考了两次,第一次才是可怜的5.5.。后来看了这本书后得到很多启发,经过了练习,第二次6.5,这就达到了申请...
