

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com


雅思写作备考对于考试的成绩是很关键的,因此同学们不要盲目的做练习题,背范文,要掌握一些技巧才能轻松应考。为此,下面为大家分享下雅思写作提分句型整理,希望能够帮到大家更好的备战雅思。1) Sth. is like/as...as/similar to/the same as/compared to/as if (though) ...(明喻)(e.g. In the eyes of book worms, books are compared to/like a magic blanket that carries them anywhere as they like.)2) Sth. is/refers to/is nothing but...(暗喻)(e.g. For/To a seeker after the treasure of knowledge, learning is rowing across an unbounded ocean, in which hardship is seen as his boat.)3) Sth. is thought of/defined/valued/cherished/seen/esteemed as...(e.g. A true friend is valued not only as your shadow that comforts your body but also as your mirror that helps you find any dirt on your face.)4) A does sth. just as B does sth. else.(e.g. Educative experiences of life can tell us how to get rid of failure, just as weather beaten sailors know how to steer clear of rocks.)5) Sth. means/signifies/stands for/is a symbol(matter/sign/token)of...(e.g. Love is not a matter of seeking self-satisfaction; it is first a matter of giving and then discovering, as an unexpected gift, the deepest satisfaction one can know.)雅思写作常用词汇的积累有助于大家写作优美的句子,大家可以在练习中总结雅思写作技巧。

1某事物象/与…一样/与…相似/与…一样/被比作…/似乎…例:在书呆子的眼里,书本如同有魔力的飞毯,想去哪儿就能够去哪儿。2 例:对于寻求知识的宝藏的人来说,学习就象在无边的海洋上划船,困难被视为他自己的船。3 某事物被认为/被珍视为…例:一个真正的朋友不仅是证实你身体的影子,而且是帮你发现脸上脏物的镜子。4 A做…正如B做…一样。

例:人生具有教育性的经历能告诉我们怎样摆脱失败,正如受天气影响的水手知道怎样绕过礁石航行。5 某事物意味着…的象征。例:爱情不是寻求自我满足,它首先是给予,然后是发现一件意外的礼物——一个人所能体会到的最大的满足。


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