

02月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Mount Fuji is Japan's tallest peak, with an elevation of 3,776 meters above the central Japan's Honshu Yamanashi, Shizuoka counties junction.The lava flows, volcanic ash and gravel piled up to form the main part of it, about 220 meters deep in the mouth of the volcano like a big alms bowl.It was revered as the "imperial legacy."Mount Fuji is a relatively young figure in the dormant volcano, which has erupted in history over 100.1707, in the last eruption, magma emitted by the two older submerged volcano.The conical shape Kyoho.Scientists use the latest technology to Mt recent tests found "Mt still alive!"10% annually "volcanic earthquakes," the only source of deep, it is not caused by the volcanic eruption.However, many localities still emit up to 80 ° C heat outside, and all indications are that it may erupt again.Mount Fuji is a standard conical volcano.Cone beautiful snow covered peak of the year, they stand proud in the space between the sacred and serious, delicate and elegant upright.People often use "inversion Yushan" to describe its Extremely Wonderful gesture.Mt flat Peak, 2,900 meters above sea level, are covered by volcanic lava, volcanic sand.no jungle without springs, very bleak, the only one who walk around making of a winding mountain road.Following the 2000 meters above sea level, and people all over the dense jungle, a vast lake and the waterfall and Fei Xie.Sansiyue year, a precarious in full bloom, the hills of Mount Fuji, piles of cherry, beautiful scene in brilliant purples and reds.scatter a few Lane; summer, the mountains green, the peak number of snow melt, watching the sunrise from the top of the mountain is the best season; fall, a beautiful day.Hongye valley everywhere, have some lush amenities; winter, the frozen scene of the northern landscape.So picturesque Mt season, and attracted a large number of tourists come to visit."The people are not ignorant landed on Mount Fuji", which is to spread the word in Japan.For the Japanese, Mt like a sacred place, in their view, life, to climb the mountain at least once a year.Each July 1 to August 31, climbing Mount Fuji open season.Jin Shan visitors from the moment many of them women, elderly and children.From the foot to the summit, nearly 100 days of hard climbing often requires.Along Now storms, now a bright and sunny day and 10 degrees the temperature margin and unpredictable situation,But climbers but never bored.Many boarded Peak before sunrise in order to meet the sun, standing on beam starry night march.People also like the mouth of the volcano along the outer ring, called "walk along the edge of a bowl." 你如果要中文,就用谷歌翻译一下!


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